Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reflections, yo!

2013 is coming to an end. Which is crazy to me because I feel like we were JUST bringing in this year (by going to bed before the ball drops and being totally ok with that).

2013 was pretty good, but the most significant part of 2013 for me were these last few months. Things have happened in my life that are best described as scary, confusing, and random. Like how I'm being super vague? ;) Just roll with it....because I don't really know how to put it into words. But what I can say, is that these events, if for nothing else, have brought me closer to my God. I have walked closer to Him than I probably have my entire life. And that my friends, is a beautiful thing. Its true what "they" say: God uses the bad to show you something good. I have also started some personal counseling and am starting to learn things about myself. I am looking forward to 2014 with a fresh perspective on my faith and my walk.

You know what else 2014 will be bringing (hopefully!!!)? The basement FINALLY completed! We have demo'd the other half (our bedroom/bathroom/huge closet, eeeek!) this past week which means, bathroom layouts are starting to be reviewed. I cannot tell you how much I will appreciate the extra 928 square feet and just the space that an open 2 story floor plan will bring. A wild (almost!) 3 year old with enough toys to fill 2 houses and a wild 1 year old lab running around calls for extra space.

The gym is still a super important part in my life, but has taken a back seat in the past few months and I am ok with that. I am looking forward to walking back into the gym with a new perspective on what I want for myself and body: to not compare myself to what I *think* I should look like and beat myself up with I don't achieve it. We will be (hopefully!) expanding our family this coming year and I want to keep hitting the gym like I did when Troy was baking in the ol' belly. For me, I credit it to the weight coming off and an easy (for me) delivery.

Cheers to 2014!! Hope you all have a safe New Years Eve!


TLF said...

Happy New Year!!

Jill@babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, Oh My! said...

it was great to hear from you again! i was worried to dropped out of the blogging world! hope you are back for awhile!