Its been a minute since we've last chatted. So I thought I'd bullet point my current happenings
* I have a feeling there is going to be a show on TLC "Intervention: I'm addicted to Pinterest". Seriously,

I could go on and on...
* I have been in uber creative mode with Christmas coming up, so I picked up a few supplies for certain DIY projects. Such as Stephanie's and other Pinterest DIY ideas <---- told you I was addicted
* I have a sticky cold that I just can't shake. And the kicker is its all in my lungs. Fabulous. This makes running harder. It makes it very unappealing to run my heart out when I gargle on my lung junk
* My little man is sick too. Poo! I've been super paranoid and watching him like a hawk since he's still susceptible to RSV. My poor love bug.
* Daddy Warbucks has some vacation days coming up. This makes me smile because he has been working OT like you wouldn't believe. Im living the single mommy life Tues-Saturday 5am-8pm. But my man is off working hard and building our nest egg back up, so Im grabbing a straw and sucking it up.
Pinterest rocks!
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