My Mister and I going shopping with G-ma
My delicious lunch - thank you Lean Cuisine for fulfilling my pizza craving
After what seemed FOREVER, someone can actually hold their own bottle. Check that off the list of "I need mommy to ______"
My mama made me homemade blackberry pie. Its sort of a tradition every SUmmer. The blackberries are off their blackberry bushes, and not to brag, but my mom makes the best pie crust in 3 counties.
MAYJA' closet organization happened. I hadn't unpacked all my clothes and last night I got motivated and organized all my shoes on a rack instead of thrown into a bin. Nice, huh? I still don't have as much room as I'd like, but when we finish the downstairs, Nick promises I will have a closet that will put Mariah's to shame.
and Mariah's...

I got in a super creative mood and painted our bathroom. Im not sure if it does justice, but the color is like a soft tan/mocha-y color. Next up is Troy's bathroom
I can't wait until Charlotte can hold the bottle herself! I feel like she's getting close!
he is sooo gorgeous! look at his eyes!!!
love the wall color!
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