So let's discuss all things that are FABULOUS about my Friday thus far. After all, this blog is about moi. Here we go:
1. Troy has slept through the night the past TWO nights! He has NEVER slept through the night more than a handful of times and never in a row like this. Could be the shot he got on Tuesday or maybe he's now with the program that mommy is less of a biotch when she gets a full 7-8 hours STRAIGHT.

2. I get to go grocery shopping! Keeping it real with you guys, I love grocery shopping. Now that Troy is a bit older and easier in the stores, I love it. I love having bags of fresh food to bring him. And right now we have like ZIP. We are most definitely at the end of the week since we're scrapping the bottom of the fridge for crumbs.
3. The weather - its cool down here in my neck of California - AKA the country. Yeah, Im sure you all are sorta shocked to know California isn't just one big beach with hot blondes rollerblading down it (do people rollerblade anymore?)

4. Its fantastic that I've accomplished my goals of running this week. I set a 10 mile/week minimum and I have ran exactly 10. And it was harder than I thought it'd be, psssh. Im signing up for the Turkey Trot this year (5K) and then who knows where I'll go! ....The bar for a hydrating margarita?

5. My hair - since I've gotten this sexy mommy bob of a cut, I seriously wake up with great hair. Its not greasy or have crazy creases from where Ive slept. It actually looks best after I've slept on it and its my "2nd day of no washing" hair. Just saying. Nick gets grossed out by me not washing it, but he just doesn't understand that its okay not to wash it. At least Im not pulling a Julia Roberts and skipping that shampoo/conditioner for weeks on end! You read that right, the pretty woman goes weekS without washing her hair.
6. Oh and it's Friday - 'nuff said. The weekend is upon us and with it getting ready to be freezing (68 to this California girl is cold), Im celebrating by putting out the Fall Decor and watching Football all day Sunday - BOO YA!