Monday, April 30, 2012
Weekend in Pictures
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Monday, April 30, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Y'all just doesn't sound the same...
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Thursday, April 26, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Did you know? Catching Up
Oh Lordy ladies, Im getting a breather from cleaning and getting my shizz together for my vaca in North Carolina next week, so I thought I'd sit my firm booty on the couch and blog.
Lets play catch up on life de Karli, shall we?
Next week I leave for North Carolina. I am spacing out and cannot remember if I told y'all about how Im going to visit my sister and niecey poo and some here is me telling you. Im going! I am a little stressed about flying with Troy, as its being broken up into 2 flights, which really is good, but that still means Im going to have a wild toddler in an airport. Im counting on him napping for 1 hour per flight, and the other 2 hours, I plan on being drunk. Kidding! ....kinda. Nick is seriously talking about laying out work clothes for an entire week cause Lord knows he will wont be doing laundry while Im gone. Men!
Something else driving me to drink? My wiener dog, Daisy Mae. Girlfriend is about 13/14 years old (Im a terrible dog mom, I can't remember her year of birth. Do I get points for knowing the month and day?). Anyways, last week she woke me up by barking in her crate in the middle of the night cause she had a major blow out in there. I was so irritated. Im not a nice person to wake up in the middle of the night, let alone, a person who has a smile on their face when they get woken up to change crappy blankets for a dog. So, last night she did it again!! Im at my wits end. She is happy as a clam and isn't in any kinda of pain, she just can't hold her shit together (literally).
In other bomb dot com news, Im happy to report, Im going to be famous by association. Ya see, my dear sweet Gretchen look a like blogger BFF, Amber, was contacted by non other than Bevery Hills Housweife, Dana Wilkey. Girls, Dana CALLED Amber personally. Well naturally, Amber HeyTell'd moi to give me the low down and told me she responded to Dana's tweet about needing bloggers to try her new product Thinshots. I tweeted Dana immediately and told her yours truly would be interested. And happened. THE Dana (Did you know? $25,000) Wilkey, was personally tweeting Amber and I.
I die. So I am hoping and praying for my phone call from our future BFF, so I can be famous like Amber and we can all 3 have some drinky drinks while throwing our own game night party.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Sometimes and Always
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Well, it's happened

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Monday, April 16, 2012
Labels: home sweet home
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Im Alive and so are Yoooooou
I know, my subject line has really nothing to do with this post, but dang I love me some Scrooged. Never seen it? We may not be able to be friends anymore...kidding!! ...kinda.
A few random questions - are y'all excited for Summer?! And what are you doing to make your body READY for Summer?
I for one cannot wait for Summer. Come Summer time and its 110 degrees, Im sure I'll be singing a different tune, but for now? I am excited. Pinterest is full of great Summer BBQ ideas, I mean who thinks of this stuff?!

Not only does Summer mean BBQ, pool days, and adult beverages so thirst quenching, it'll make your head spin (literally), Im SOO excited for this years county fair. I love fair time. I love fair food, seeing the animals that are up for auction, SNOWCONES!!!!, and of course I love seeing my counties biggest rednecks and country folk come on out for a good time. Seriously, people think "California" and they think beaches everywhere. Not for a second would most think we have "Rednecks" or "hillbilly folk", but cmon people, we are the Wild West, duh!
I have been trying to bust my tail with workouts. Ever since I ran my halfie in March, I've been focusing more on lifting and girlfriends, its been paying off. I did this 30 day workout thing-a-ma-bob and I've leaned out and I can tell I put on some muscle. Lets face it, that skinny thing is on its way out (HALLELUJAH!) and fit is in. Just sayin...Sorry Kate Moss, but your days of reign are ova'.
Like I was asking, what are you doing to make yourself ready for Summer? I just went to last night, and found me another workout plan. If any of you wanna check it out, I'm doing Jaimie Eason's 12 week Muscle and Define program (Note: this is different than her 12 week LiveFit program - been there, done that, loved it!). And a side note, am I the only crazy who gets uber excited after writing (er, typing out) new workout plans? Seriously, it's like the first day of school for me when I walk into that gym. I see my old machines, meet some new ones and just get familiar with the new routines I'll be doing. The best feeling for this crazy woman's heart.
Since I am working towards something (Karli's tip of the day: when you workout/start a program? Give yourself a goal your working towards. Promise it'll make the workouts that much better and interesting), I need to find this Summer bikini. Besides Vickies, does anyone have any suggestions of places? Im probably gonna order from Vickies, but I'd rather go to a store and leave with it that day. Im American which means instant gratification is a major driving force. I don't wanna wait on shipping :)
So cmon ladies dont slack now! Bikini season 2012 is SO SO close.
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Thursday, April 12, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
There are no words

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Friday, April 06, 2012
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Sometimes and Always
Sometimes: I ask Nick "would you rather I stay home from the gym and we just hang?" secretly hoping he will say he wants me to stay home so I can be lazy
Always: I always go no matter what he says knowing bikini season is so close I can feel it
Sometimes: I secretly fantasize about having no responsibilities in life other than myself
Always: I always look at my boys playing legos and know it tops any bachelorette lifestyle I could live
Sometimes: All I want to do is be in my sweats all friggin fraggin day & sometimes will be
Always: I will throw on the cutest outfit I can find, minutes before my hubbinator walks through the door just so he sees his wife still cares about her appearance even if I've had yogurt thrown at me countless times all day
Sometimes: I want to call it a day at the gym after I've done weights
Always: I always kick my butt on Mr. Tread Mill. He always knows how to exhaust me and it feels so good
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Tuesday, April 03, 2012