YES!!! SATURDAY IS HERE SATURDAY IS HERE!!! I believe I speak for everyone in the corporate work field when I say, this is a pretty accurate picture of what I was doing at 4:59 pm yesterday. I followed the girl in the middle's lead, praising God for showing mercy on me. This girl needs a break!
How is your Saturday going?! Mine has actually been super productive for it only being 10:55 AM here. I am have been pooped all week due to my killer work out sessions at the gym M-F and I really wanted to sleep in, but my sister and my niece had an early flight out of Sacramento back to North Cackalacky to take care of some biz, so I rolled out of bed at the bight, er dark, & early time of 5:45. EEEK! Can we say nap is on the agenda today? It was all good though cause I got to see them off and I won't be seeing them till the day after Thanksgiving, BOOOO!! Since I was awake anyways and just I just so happened to have been in my workout clothes, this obsessive, er crazy lady went to the gym. I wanted to get a good run and some lifting in cause I knew the rest of the day I'd be laying bedside catching up on The Office and Fringe with N. I just love lazy days where it seems to go by so slow cause your just locked in your bedroom kickin it OG style. I made bfast for N and I when I got home and later today we plan on looking at.................... CARS!! Now I just got my beloved 09 Corolla last year, but they really had us bent over when we signed the loan agreement with the ridiculous interest rate. Since N and I do want to start our own family in the sometime near future, we need to take that payment down a notch so we can afford to live on 1 income. Oh and get THIS! N's supervisor has submitted his resume and application at 3 different job positions at his current place of work, which would give him higher ranking AND pay! He finds out more about it next week, so please keep us in your prayers that if its meant to be, it'll be.
Also happening today is N is calling around the couple of apartment complexes we have narrowed it down to, and seeing the availability for January 1st leases since most places told us to call back around Thanksgiving. Having our own place again is coming up!! I am really excited to decorate! I'm such a girl :D
Have a great Saturday lovelies!!

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