As you all know, N is a war veteran. He served our country for 4 years in the United States Marine Corps. He served 1 tour in Iraq during the elections, and protected the US from Japan when he was stationed there.
The Marine in the sandbox
I want to say thank you to my Marine and all the other men and women who have and who are serving our country. What they are doing is the most honorable, selfless thing anyone can ever do. A big thank you and shout out to the families of the troops, because I can speak from experience when I say, its a tough job being a wife of a Marine (or soldier, airman, seaman ;) )
I hope everyone should thank troops not only on Veterans day, but EVERYDAY. If you see military, whether it be active military, reserve, or former, thank them! Weather they have been overseas in combat, or just worked from the US, thank them. As most of us learned last week with Fort Hood, being on base, on US soil, does not mean our troops are 110% safe at all times.
OORAH and thank you to all veterans and present military!

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