Umm why is it Sunday night already? It seems like I was just laying out my bib and running shoes for the Turkey Trot? Either way the last 4 days were as enjoyable as Gerad Butler's abs
Thursday was of course the Turkey Trot - I was up and at em' at the bright and early time of 7:30 since I had to be at the starting line 20 minutes before 9:00am. N was such a great sport about it. Being the die hard football fan that he is, I know it was hard to leave the bed at the time of morning on a day off, but also I know how upset he can get when football is on allllllllllll day and he can't watch every second of it live and rewind "did you see that?!" play's over and over again. Thank GOD for DVR! (I forgot to mention that in the "thankful" speech around the table!) So when N and I got there, it was PACKED! I have never seen any race like it. There were easily over 1000 people there which was touching since everyone who was there paid the $35 entry fee and that goes to a hungry family. I had my iphone loaded with my 5K running playlist and I even thought that running while taking pics would be a great way to distract myself and make time go by faster. Ummm, have you ever tried to snap a photo while feeling as though you are in Spain running with the bulls? It is hard!! So even though I wanted to bring you all a little more excitement than 1 photo, your just gonna have to deal. I was trying to beat a PR people!
So fast forward to the finish line: N was there which made me sprint my way across that finish line. I dunno what it is, but there is something about seeing that finish line that kicks you in the rear, and puts you into fast gear and you sprint until your legs feel as though they are going to disconnect. Since I really wasn't in the mood to stand around and browse the swag stands, N and I decided to go home so I could shower and take a nap before our big duck dinner. Once we got home, I was checking the website literally every 5 minutes to see if they had posted results. FINALLY they did, and what did I see?! MEEEEE!! I beat my personal record too!! When I crossed the finish line, N said he tried to time it and he thought I finished in 30minutes (my PR WAS 34:37 btw), but I couldn't believe it. BUT, guess what...HE WAS RIGHT!! That N is so smart- I finished the race in 31:11 AND I placed 54th out of 500girls! Not too shabby if I do say so myself. Even though I was dehydrated like a mo fo after the race, I still had N snap a pic of my sweaty self just for the blog :)
Saturday we FINALLY celebrated the big turkey day since my sister and bunny boo got back into town on Friday. So I woke up and watched my mom stuff the most delicious turkey ever! That woman sure knows how to stuff em' (That's what she said).
I decided to stuff something to my own liking into a little thing I like to call the oven. NOTE: THE OVEN WAS NOT ON DURING THE MAKING OF THIS PICTURE. I LOVE MY CAT SO DON'T GET YOUR PANTIES IN A KNOT.
Now the big news (as if it could get any better, sheeesh!), N and signed papers on an apartment!! We will be moving in either January 9th or 12th and we couldn't be more happy about it! It is so so so nice and we are so glad that we didn't sign papers with any of the other ones we looked and at believe me, we looked at them all. Amazing location, granite, some hardwoods, and it comes with a 37 inch flat screen for the bedroom (N's 55 inch will be going in the living room of course), wood burning fireplace and really nice grounds. We couldn't be happier. Home sweet home
I have been so excited about the holidays, I rushed to Petsmart and Target in search of the perfect Christmas outfit (and new holiday sweater) for my Daisy Mae- What do you think?
There was absolute bird madness going on in the house
That was my holiday. It was wonderful! It is now time however for the week to come to an end and this little lady to hit the gym once again. I haven't worked out since the run just out of pure laziness. I hope your holiday was great- I know mine was!

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