Happy Monday daaawlings! It's just another manic Monday I suppose. My weekend was perfect (coulda been longer), but it was fabulous all the same. Saturday was filled with a quick 30 minute sesh at the gym * I totally slacked off in this department, but I just wasn't 'feeling it'. Plus I had a bajillion other things to do that day, so I left Elli (the elliptical to my newbie followers) after 30. On my 'to do' list that day was to find a lamp for the T man's nursery, so off to my legal addiction I went -- TARGET! I don't know anyone who doesn't love Target and if you don't, I may not wanna know you. After browsing the women's clearance racks (AMAZING DEALS BTW), and picking up a couple new polo's for my Tech saavy hubbs, I focused on the matter at hand, and headed toward the lamps. After a few picture emails back and forth between daddy warbucks, I got this little number in my cart
You can't really tell in the pic, but we got a hazelnut colored one and Nick set it up this weekend, it looks perfect! Sadly, after looking at Troy's nursery, I don't think we're gonna have room for a nice glider chair like I wanted. Maybe next baby, hmmmmm? After Target I met up with my mamacita for some more retail therapy and Home Goods. More like 'I'll take one of everything' Goods. As most of you can tell by now, I LOVE seasonal decor, and they are already had their Christmas stuff out!! Holy cow, I was in Heaven! But after reasoning with myself (and reminding myself Nick would kill me), I decided to just come back during Christmas time and do my shopping then. Smart, right?
Sunday was filled with football (HALLELUJAH BRONCOS WON!) and a decision. A totally bonkers decision at that, but non the less, I will be running a marathon this time next year! EEEEEEEEK!!!
My aunt initiated it, and so since my sister and cousin have also been bitten by the running bug, they will be taking on this endeavor as well. So ladies (and maybe if there are gents reading this), that means, I'll start running again beginning of March time frame and I'm going to have to build my running endurance back up after about a 8 month hiatus, and theeeeeeen start building on the miles. I know I can do this whether I have to walk some parts or not, but it makes me nervous! I guess all that baby weight will be coming off though haha! I think training with Troy in a jogging stroller will be mounds of help too, because pushing him up and down hills will build up my stamina majorly. I pray to the holy running god, I have a smooth recovery from delivery and can train properly ASAP! Any advice from you ladies who have ran a marathon? When I did my 10K (6.2 miles) earlier this year, I swore off long distance running in events for good, and here I am actually committing to a marathon?! Advice from all you ladies would be much appreciated :)

Definitely have NO running advice- but we just got that lamp from a wedding shower and LOVE it!
I love target. Sometimes all I need is a trip to Target and I feel all better...plus they have some really cute inexpensive decor items!
i heart target & home goods. ended up at target TWICE this weekend. ;)
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