Hello lovelies! 1st off, thank you all for your super sweet comments about my bikini bod. We are our own worst critics, cause seriously, I don't see myself as bangin as you all are leading me to believe haha. I have received a few questions from you all regarding my workouts and diet, so I thought I'd just publicly announce it.
Up until Troy was 2 months old I pumped. I nursed him for 1 week of his life, and then decided it wasn't for me, so I pumped which still burned a butt load of calories. It's been about 1.5 months since I stopped, so I can't credit that anymore. Plus, I don't' really think this works for everyone (the pumping to get back into bangin shape). I've seen some women hold onto 20lbs from their pregnancy and they are nursing like crazy. While I waited the 6 weeks to start working out again, I walked the neighborhood a lot. Sometimes 2 times a day depending on what the weather was like. Also, by week 3 of having Troy, I started up 30 day Shred, which I did 4 times a week. So I think that jump started my body and told it "hey, it's go time, and we're gonna get this weight off".
As for now, I workout 3-4 times a week if I can swing it. I will go to the gym and run at least 2 miles, and then lift weights (focusing on either my abs, lower body, or upper) for about 30 minutes. If I can't make it to the gym (or I just procrastinate like a mo fo), I will get Troy man in his jogging stroller and I run about 2-3 miles around my neighborhood about 3 times a week. I'm not as active as I'd like, but I think that's just cause my motivation isn't what it used to be. Also, after having my 1st baby, I've been trying to find a "balance" in my life such as: when is the best time to take a shower and Troy wont scream his head off? When can I find time to clean? When can I find time to catch up with my girls on Real Housewives? When can I make important phone calls? When can I eat? What do I do when Troy is crying? What makes him happy? When can I fit time in for my hubby and I for adult time? Where is the closest alcoholic drink? (ha, kidding! sorta...) I think I've got this all down pat (only took me 2.5 months), and feel comfortable enough where I can make my workouts more of a priority. Plus, Troy is waking up once a night, so I do get a good amount of sleep. So once I get back from vacation, I plan on executing a workout plan I have found on bodybuilding.com.
As for my diet, I'll let you all in on a secret. I don't eat all that much. Not because I don't want to, cause trust me, I do. It's just that with a 3.5 month old, I don't get as much time to sit down and eat. Or, when he's down napping, I'd rather nap myself, or clean the house since it's been driving me insane. However, don't mistake this as me saying I'm anorexic, cause that's not it. I DO eat roughly 1300-1500 calories a day (and more if I could find the time). The calories I do take in are pretty close to the best calories I can give my body. I eat HUGE salads for lunch (spinach leaves, broccoli, snap peas, a chicken boca patty, baby corn and some garbanzo beans w/about 2 tablespoons of Italian dressing). I have always loved salads, so this isn't hard for me to do. For dinner it's usually a chicken dish of some sort or a casserole. Whatever is easy and quick. Then for breakfast it's my normal 6 egg whites 1 yolk, fresh spinach leaves, and an orowheat 100 calorie bun. Then I graze if I get hungry and I drink a lot of coffee and water. So nothing spectacular in the least, but that's how I roll. Oh, and if I'm out and about, I try to fit in the most important food group - a cupcake from here.
Before I go also, I will say another thing that has helped me bounce back quick is I stayed just as active when I was pregnant as I did before I got pregnant. I'd go on my lunch breaks to the gym for about 30 minutes of cardio, and then go after work to do some weights and another 30 minutes of cardio.
I will never forget something Heidi Klum said (the ultimate MILF, am I right?). She said something along the lines of, look how you are before pregnancy - if you are in great shape, you'll probably be back there pretty quick, but if you weren't it's going to take some time.

I was in the best shape of my life before pregnancy, and I'm not even all the way back yet. The thing I have to keep telling myself (and maybe it'll help you post baby mama's too), is it took you 9-10 months to get that belly, and it's gonna take about that much time to get back. Give your body a break, it's created life!
thanks for this post.
I am 19 weeks into my first pregnancy and have been trying to stay as active as possible so that I don't keep any of my pregnancy weight. It is nice to have see that a "real life person" can do it!
I keep feeling like every time I comment over here, I keep telling you how awesome I think you are. I too stayed pretty active while pregnant, but have been slacking, as you know. Ok do you agree with this? Do you think it's 80 percent what you eat and 20 percent working out? That is what I have always heard. I mean, I know you need to work out to get a hard body, because no one likes a skinny fat girl, but for weight loss purposes, do you think its more what you eat?? Just trying to take whatever short cuts I can muster up haha!!
Great post!! I think you are definitely someone who seems to have the right mindframe- Watching the calories and working it out:) Have fun in Mexico!
I have had a rough time losing weight, but I eat too much at work for sure! I agree that it's tough to prioritize spending baby time and also working out and everything. I was could not work out at all due to some issues for my entire pregnancy, then had a c-section, yuck! My main goal now is to do better in the food department and I have alse heard good things about the 30 day shred DVD too, good to know you used it!
i'm one of those that keep about 10 lbs on when i nurse. usually when i drop nursings ie...when they hit about 9m i start to lose it...
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