Monday, May 9, 2011


Whats up dolls? I hope you had a great Mothers Day whether your a mama or mama to be or just wanted an excuse to eat yummy foods and drink delicious drinks. I, did both. Dinners at my parents house never disappoints.

So I am pretty much going like a hamster on a wheel these next couple of days, Mexico is in 3 days! Today I had to make the runs to get all kinds of medicine in case Troy gets sick in Mexico, and I had to get enough formula and diapers to last us in Mexico and I had to get enough grub to last us till we leave. For the next 3 days, I plan on hitting my old trail (4.5ish miles), for a run/walk with T Money, I'm getting my heeer done by my magician on Wednesday (these roots are baaaaad), and tomorrow my sister and I are takin the kids to get their pics taken. Lets just say COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE. Srrrrsly you guys, its all I was running on today. Thank God it was there, cause the little dude was throwing me through the ringer today. Think major poop blowout in Target, and MAYJA' meltdown in the checkout. It was my 1st ever REAL meltdown. Nick and I call the meltdown cry "the yodel" cause that's what happens when the child gets enough volume. I had people giving me the "God, sucks to be her" look. I gave them the "Wanna take this outside?" look right back. What can I say, I get defensive when I get judgy looks, but I swear I'm sweet as pie normally. Oh, and he didn't want to take naps and I spilled formula all over myself while we were out. Bah! Ready for Tuesday please.
Enough of the bitchin', and onto some good stuff. The FABULOUS Raven is hosting a little snazzy giveaway of her loot. Trust me, it's good loot. So head over to her blog, give her some love, and get in on this giveaway.
Oh and if ya'll remember this post - look what made it's way into my fridge!


Raven said...

aww thanks for the shout out! Super sweet :) Mexico is like, tomorrow? So jealous!!