'Ello loves!
Happy Friday and cheers to the 3 day weekend, am I right? As of right now, Nick doesn't 100% have the day off that he knows of. He is currently working in a department that does some pretty important things (*totes bragging on my man here*), so they might need him on Monday.

So as most of my long time followers know, my anniversary is February 14th (Valentines day). Well last night I asked Nick if he wanted to go to the Bill Engval show up in Reno next weekend for a little mini 1 night getaway. He said no, but not to worry, he has something up his sleeve for our anniversary. Well this had me intrigued and as someone who fixates on what surprises could be, I had to have him at least tell me a few things: Yes, it's somewhere we get on a plane to go, and Yes, its w/out Troy (Are you reading this mom? Nick will, if he hasn't already, be asking for you to watch your favorite little Grandson for a couple days in about 1 year). I also know that Nick has already talked to travel agents that his company provides free of charge and has told them what he's looking for, so it's all in their hands now.
It hasn't even been 24 hours since he told me this, and I can't help, but wonder where it is and what we'll be doing. I would be happy with anywhere! BUT....ladies...I am someone who always does things in the extreme. Everything is black and white for me. There is no in between. So, I can't help, but think about a few extravagant getaways:

Bora Bora?

Hawaii - this could actually be a possibility since neither of us have ever been

Back (for me) to London? Where I left my heart in 2005.


I'll take any and all please!
Wow, I am super impressed he's already planning something so far ahead. I would love to go to Hawaii or Italy, but Hawaii would be more likely for us since hubs doesn't want to go anywhere people don't speak English. :)
Awe- Cinque Terre Italy was one of my favorite trips I have done since I have lived in Europe... Awesome!!
oh how exciting!!!!!! I hope it's Italy :)
Clearly I will say that Italy would be totes amazeballs. I am thinking tropical, though. He is sweet to be planning so far in advance:))))))))
OMG I am totally jealous!!!
you know my answer. HAWAII all the way.
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