So sad. Read the story here

FRIDAY YOUR FINALLY HERE!!!!! There is exactly 8 hours of working, and then its off for 3 days :) You know what's great about 3 day weekends? That the following week is a 4 day work week haha!
Ready for a post full of random ramblings? Here we go:
I don't even need to tell you what fun things I am doing this weekend since I already covered it in this post earlier in the week. But something else I'm doing? Going and seeing Bestie Bon Bon's newest baby girl! Rilynn Mae was born this morning 5/28/2010 weighing in at 6lbs 14oz and was 18.5 inches long. Welcome to the world Rilynn <3
Something I ha vent covered in awhile - workouts! I have actually been pretty dang active. A LOT of walking, but definitely hitting the gym for those elliptical and stair stepper workouts. This week has been absolutely crazy with things in my life, but in such a blessed way, so making it to the gym hasn't really been possible. Don't worry your pretty little heads - I fit in at home workouts and I'm planning on going to the gym tomorrow after I sleep until my body tells me to get outta bed.
And I'm sorry, boo freakin hooo Jesse James. How is it that YOUR playing the victim? Oh, your so sorry, huh? Oh and your childhood was soooooo rough. So that's an excuse to cheat on your WIFE with more than 1 woman, on more than 1 occasion? All I can say is SHUT IT.
Told you this post was random :) Have a WONDERFUL Memorial day weekend lovely followers. And remember what we're really celebrating and who we're honoring.
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Friday, May 28, 2010
Happy Hump day all my lovely followers (and stalkers)! Is it just me, or is this week seeming to drag? It's a great week for me, but it's just taking forever for the weekend to show it's gorgeous lovely face. Today here in my kneck of the woods, the sun keeps popping through the clouds, but doesn't actually stay. This long 3 day holiday weekend is looking pretty fab tho wouldn't you say?
Today I am absolutley exhausted. It might totally be the allergies that are in the air. Hmmmm keep on keepin on that's for sure.
Work has been going good - I have been at my job for 2 months now!! My longest job in California since I've been back was 3 months, so let's keep this train rollin baby! CHOO CHOOO!!! Since I'm random, who watched the Biggest Loser last night? And who was impressed with the results of these inspirational contestants?! Click here to see before and after pics to give you that extra push to get off that couch today :)
Posted by
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Ever feel like your right on track? My eating and working out have been nothing short of fabulous. You know my new friend the stair stepper? Well him and I have had very successful meetings. He has thrown my legs the curve ball and they are loving it. Running is great exercise and I have grown to love it. It is my therapy w/out footing an outrageous bill, it is my calorie burner when I've found my way to the vending machines one too many times, and it is the thing that gives me a feeling of empowerment. BUT, my body has gotten use to it. So unless I am planning on running long distances every time I set out to run, my body will most likely stay the same. Don't' get me wrong, I do love to throw in some interval training with my runs, but like my mother says, it's always good to try new things.
For the past couple of days I set out to the gym with 1 mission - 20 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes on the stair stepper. As much as this doesn't sound like my cup of tea, some people just have to bite the bullet and do the responsible thing...I'm talking to YOU Ms. Lindsay "I can't find my passport in my drug/alchol haze" Lohan!
*On a side note, am I the only one who wants to smack that little arrogant, think she can get away with anything, face?*
So 40 minutes cardio and a leg workout later, I have been finding myself back at home eating the meal I planned on eating and the portion I planned on eating. How you ask? I just do it. Plain and simple. Maybe it has something to do with wanting to look great in a bikini, or just wanting to feel good in anything and in my skin? Either reason is good enough for me to keep on keepin on and follow thru and stay on track.
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Well I have been MIA for a couple days, now I haven't I? Well good news - I am back baby & Happy Monday to you all!
This weekend was wonderfully relaxing, but why the heck do they go by so dang fast? Seriously, it seems like the work week drags, but the weekend flies? I was busy with what I'll call my wifely duties - grocery shopping, cleaning the oasis we call home, know, the 'fun' stuff :)
Saturday I got my butt to the gym as I had promised . I did 20 minutes on that beast I call the stair stepper, which in turn has actually become one of my favorites, and 20 minutes on the elliptical. Both worked about a quart of sweat outta me. And I couldn't leave without paying respects to the weight machines.
Sunday was more of an active rest day, as I didn't Shred with Ms. Jill, but opted for a nice hilly walk with my mamacita, sister and niecy poo. It was gorgeous outside and I'm guessing we went about 3-4 miles on a very scenic route. I will post some pics once I get some from my niece who takes some pretty amazing pictures for a 10 year old.
This weekend was nothing compared to what is to come Memorial Day weekend...........
Via Wikipedia:
"...The Mystery Spot is a tourist attraction located near Santa Cruz, California. It was opened in 1939. The operators of the small site (which is about 150 feet in diameter) claim that it is a place where the laws of physics and gravity do not apply and provide a number of demonstrations in support of these claims."
Supernatural claims and speculation
"Phenomena demonstrated by the tour guides (and by visitors using levels) include two people standing on opposite sides of a level surface who appear to change height as they switch positions and a ball that appears to roll up a plank. At the site, an old shed appears to have lost part of its foundation and is slanted and oddly angled. Additional claims of mystery are the growth patterns of trees and their branches within the Mystery Spot, the lack of animals such as dogs, rodents or even birds inside the compound (visitors are not allowed to bring their dogs on the tour) and the distortion of magnetically calibrated measurement devices such as compasses or even GPS devices. The official website speculates that extraterrestrials buried unearthly metals or a spacecraft beneath the Spot, or that carbon dioxide seeps out of the earth. Another popular speculation is that gravity is affected here, causing nausea and incorrect instrument readings."
And what trip to Santa Cruz would be complete without stopping by this little slice of haunted heaven on the way home?
Via Wikipedia:
"The Winchester Mystery House is a well-known California mansion that was under construction continuously for 38 years, and is reported to be haunted. It once was the personal residence of Sarah Winchester, the widow of gun magnate William Wirt Winchester, but is now a tourist attraction. Under Winchester's day-to-day guidance, its "from-the-ground-up" construction proceeded around-the-clock, without interruption, from 1884 until her death on September 5, 1922, at which time work immediately ceased. The cost for such constant building has been estimated at about US $5.5 million (if paid in 1922, this would be equivalent to almost $70 million in 2008 dollars). The mansion is renowned for its size and utter lack of any master building plan. According to popular belief, Winchester thought the house was haunted by the ghosts of individuals killed by Winchester rifles, and that only continuous construction would appease them."
Pretty spooky Memorial Day, no?
Nicky boy has never been to either one of these places, so I get to live through his eyes in seeing it all over again :)
Posted by
Monday, May 24, 2010
Labels: getaways, weekend recap
Okay, I am so so lame. After telling you all a good trick to sticking to your workouts, is writing them down like an appointment, I totally have flaked ALL my workouts this week! GASP! I have not worked out since last Saturday and my 5 mile run. To be honest, the only excuse I have is I've been tired. Like exhausted. Everyday this week, it feels like I stayed up super late, when in fact I have gone to bed at 9pm the latest (I get up at 4:30). So by the time 4pm rolls around, I have not wanted to do anything but sleep. What.the.HECK.KARLI?!
I'm feeling kinda down on myself, but I'm not going to let it suck me down and get me down. I am moving on with knowing I will be going to the gym Saturday morning after a much needed sleeping in session, and will be going to the gym later that evening when Nick gets home from work.
I promise my workout updates will be more uplifting and motivational. I know some people come to my blog for motivation, and I LOVE motivating. So this is the plan stan's:
Friday: Nada - family is coming over for din din
Saturday: 45 minutes cardio (20 minutes stair stepper, 25 minutes elliptical) + legs
Sunday: Shred
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 30 minute run + upper body
Wednesday: X BIKE + legs + abs
Thursday: 40 minutes cardio (30 minutes walking on incline + 10 minute stair stepper)
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 45 minutes cardio (30 minutes elliptical + 15 minutes running at 6.2mph)
So there is my modified plan and I'm sticking to it. I read all these motivational quotes like "Someone busier than you is running" or think about how women who are 10x more tired than me, are working their asses into bikini shape. Or even just browsing Beth's blog about how much she runs, makes me want to drop the bon bons and get onto that pavement! Speaking of Beth, go over to get blog Shut up and Run to enter blog. So just DO IT Karli!
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Thursday, May 20, 2010
Welcome to Thursday!! I'd like to call this little blog segment, Day Dreaming cause it's almost Friday, Thursday:
Where the magic happens ;)
Just a little place I like to entertain my friends on those summer nights
If you could design your fantasy home, what would it be like?
Posted by
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Labels: day dreaming
It's Wednesday, FINALLY! This week has actually moved at an alright pace for me. On a totally random note, Bestie Bon Bon, is about to give birth ANY SECOND! I am so excited for her. She already has little Alyana who will be 2 in August, and this next little princess, will be her last baby, so it's an exciting time :)
So here's the deal - working out this week has been zip, zilch, nada. The last time I worked out was Saturday with my 5 mile run. Sunday is always my rest day, and Monday and Tuesday, I haven't felt all that great. It must be glorious allergy season, but I've had a constant headache since Saturday, and it seems to have stuck with me for a few days. I'm not considering this 'slacking', but more of a rest for my body. I am going back to the gym today after work since its.....XBIKE WEDNESDAY!
Since I am being true to my goal of rocking my little black shorts (and little bikinis) this Summer, I am gonnna do some lifting with my legs after XBIKE. This one area in my gym is pretty sweet too, they have a leg station all set up with the best leg machines (if I choose not to do squats on the Smith Machine), and it makes it convenient to jump from 1 machine to the next. Great benefit from this: it keeps your heart rate up and your metabolism cooking. Speaking of 'cooking', my eating has been pretty good for the most part (except that Chinese last night lol). I've been obsessed with the same salad for lunch for the past month and a half. I seriously bring the same salad to work with me EVERY.DAY! Just cause I love you all, I'm gonna share the ingredients :)
2 handfuls of spinach leaves
1/4 cup edamame beans
1/4 cup garbanzo beans
1 Boca Meatless patty
half of an avocado
small handful of cherry tomato's
1 cup of broccoli slaw
drizzle of EVOO
1 tablespoon Ken's Steakhouse LIGHT Parmesan Italian dressing
It's hands down my ultimate go to lunch with plenty of protein, GOOD fats, and carbs. Not to mention, it's DA BOMB!
So workouts schedule for the week:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: XBike, 15 minutes on stair stepper, 15 minutes walk on 10% incline, legs
Thursday: 15 minutes stair stepper, 15 minutes elliptical, upper body
Friday: 30 minute run (3 miles)
Saturday: 4 mile run, abs, back
Snaps for planning workouts. It's honestly a GREAT way to keep yourself accountable. I like to plan my workouts like I do appointments. If I write them down, I'll go. I get it in my head, that someone is waiting for me at the gym, so I HAVE to go. And that someone is Tread, or the weights :)
Here's something else I need to wrap my head around....HOW THE HECK DOES A 47 YEAR OLD WOMAN GET PREGNANT? Yes, I do know HOW one gets pregnant, but you just don't hear of many 47 year old women getting pregnant. I believe all pregnancies are a blessing from God, and if it's God's will for you to be a mother, you will be a mother. Still....47...hmmm.......Thoughts?
Posted by
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I thought it'd only be right to post a little somethin somethin on this fine (I use that term loosely) Monday.
What is it about Mondays? I have never met anyone who LOVES Mondays, and whenever someone at work is: tired, slurs their words, trips on the carpet (I have actually witnessed this), doesn't feel good, it's always "It's Monday".
I actually had a not too shabby start to the weekend that ended AMAZINGLY- Friday night after work, Nick and I snuck Taco Bell into my purse and headed to Robin Hood like everyone else in the world. Nick was expecting Gladiator Russell Crowe, and he was a TAD disappointed in that, since what he got was Robin Hood Russell Crowe (hello captain obvious haha). Great movie altogether and we'd both rate it a firm 7.5 or 8. Great movie for the boys (violence, and fighting and Russell Crowe) and for the ladies (Russell Crowe...need I say more?)
Saturday started off with a nice 4.89 mile run with my parents hunting dog, Maggie. Since Nick doesn't like me running alone, I enlisted the beast that is a German Short hair Pointer hehe
After a run and cleaning up and re-fueling with my go to egg white sammich (3 egg whites, English muffin from Trader Joes, and some spinach leaves), I headed to my parentals and laid out with some Maui Babe tanning lotion. Thank you West Sac Honey for recommending that little gem, I could tell I was darker than I woulda been had I just gone bare. Wrapped up that day with some pizza with the fam :)
Sunday takes the money people - fast forward to 4:15pm...Nick walks in the front door holding......
He bought me flowers! I flower plant to be exact :) Not only that but he says "We're going on a date tonight too...dinner and a movie". HE'S THE BESTEST BESTEST,:) We went and saw Date Night and holy crap, that movie is hilarious! Steve Carrell just doesn't disappoint and there's even some Marky Mark in there ;) We finished off with ooey gooey Mexican, and was put to bed a happy woman :)
Hope you all had a fabulous weekend and now it's back to makin the green jelly beans!
Posted by
Monday, May 17, 2010
Labels: date night, weekend recap
Thank God we have made it! I have a relaxing weekend planned - laying out, and laying out, and a run (maybe some vacuuming). I have read from West Sac Honey's blog, as well as a friend of a friend, that Maui Babe is the outdoor tanning lotion to use.
Mr. Nick is going to be thrilled knowing I won't be dropping the moolah at the tanning beds anymore due to our gorgeous sunshine - hey, it's a perk for living in California. Another perk? Selling your kidney and an arm to be able to afford your mortgage. I'll stick to our cozy apartment, thanks :)
On Wednesday I went to XBike, aka hell in a sauna, and I think my 'aka' explains it all. I will say this: I don't think I've EVER sweat as much in an Xbike class as I did in that one. I don't know if the A/C wasn't on or what, but it had to have been at least 85 degrees in there + 30 sweating bodies + the instructor making sure we ALL stayed out of the saddle. I PROMISE to wear my HR monitor next Wednesday to get an updated reading of how many calories I'm burning in that class, because I'm sure it's extreme.
Yesterday, I took a day off from the gym and did the Shred, followed by about 80 lunges (40 on each leg) and 100 bicycle crunches. When it comes to running, absence really makes the heart grow fonder. I have fallen head over Nike's in love with running. It is my natural detox and the cheapest form of therapy. The treadmill will determine how I'm feeling by the rhythm of my run, and know exactly what kind of run to prescribe me. Sometimes their long and fast (that's what she said haha), or short and slow. With that being said, I'm really looking forward to a nice sweaty run on Tread. I'm rating this week with an A+ with how my workouts have been. My eating I'm rating a B. I've stuck to my menu of what I've planned, but I may or may not have snucked into some cottage cheese that wasn't midnight......
Off to work hard for the money ladies - have an AMAZING Friday :)
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Friday, May 14, 2010
Buenos Dias lovely readers!
This week seems to be dragging. Work is busy, but seeing that sunshine outside everyday, get's me antsy for the weekend. How can they expect me to work when I see people jogging and riding their bikes by my window enjoying the sunshine.
There is something to be said for losing weight and when warm weather comes around, being ecstatic! I actually bought my 1st pair of shorts! I haven't worn shorts in ooooo, 7 years? Not that I look completely horrible in short, but in my mind I looked horrible and was terribly self conscious. So, I'm busting them out. And speaking of summer clothes, I got my package of Forever 21 stuff in the mail!! I will take pics probably this weekend so you can all see, but until then, this is what I ordered right after I placed the 1st (I didn't see them when I placed my 1st order):
Is it obvious I'm obsessed with Maxi's? In a previous post, I showed you all my items I got at the actual Forever 21 store (opposed to online). Forever 21 has amazing prices and the clothes are pretty decent quality. In my opinion, their quality is just as nice as Target's. (ahhh, Target and Forever 21 = LOVE!). F21 is my ultimate stop for updating my wardrobe when it gets a little worn down.
Since I'm on a roll with talking all things 'Summer' related, last night after an INTENSE workout (will talk about that in a minute), Nick and I headed over to Lowes, where we scored a sweet deal on a new (propane) BBQ. We actually got a BBQ not too long ago, but it was a charcoal and it seems to take forever to heat it up and when your on a time crunch on work nights, you want something to heat up fast.
So yours truly, will be enjoying some delicious marinating since Monday steaks after some XBike tonight :)
So last nights workout was.....INTENSE. I was sweating out of every pore my friends. After Nicky-poo and I finished our upper body workout, my shoulders were D-E-A-D! So onto Tread I went, and that's when the nausea set in. There are times, that if I lift at my max (like yesterday), and then jump right on the treadmill, things can get a little woozy. So I took it slow on Tread for about 5 minutes, walking at an incline of 9 at 3.8mph, I was able to raise my heart rate in a way that didn't seem like a total shock to my body. Once it was raised - it was ON! I ran just below a sprint for 5 minutes, ran at a 6.0 for 23 minutes, and then cooled down at a 3.5. Sometimes when you get into that groove in your workout and your ipod just happens to hit every song with a mad beat, you feel untouchable. You reach that workout high, and sooner or later, you don't even care to wipe that sweat from your forehead. THAT was last night's workout.
Have a beautiful day lovely readers!
Posted by
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Labels: forever 21, summer, workouts
So the California weather has been so weird in Sacramento for like the past 2 weeks! For a few days, it'll be bordering on 80, and then it'll switch up to like 3 days of cold and rain and winds. However, today and the next few days are going to be GORGEOUS! The kinda weather people think about when they think 'California'.
Not too bad, right?
I hope you all had a fabulous Mothers Day weekend! Mine was filled with a 3 miler on Tread on Saturday morning, and celebrating Mothers day with the fam over at my parents house with MUY bueno food and muy bueno family.
Since my Saturday run at the gym, I have done ZERO exercise, but I did manage to squeeze in a great dinner with Bestie since we were 4 years old and her beautiful baby Addison last night
Isn't Addison just precious?! I am so happy for Lisa :) Now, if only I could clone Addi love hehe.
Onto the sweat and blood of this blog (ok, maybe not blood): WORKOUTS!! Like I mentioned before, I have not done any working out since my 3 miler on Saturday AM! This is unacceptable, especially considering the role with working out I was on last week! So my plan for the rest of this week:
Monday: off
Tuesday: 30 minute run (3 miles) +15 minute stair stepper +Upper body strength
Wednesday: 30 minute XBIKE - aka, watch your weight melt into a puddle beneath your bike
Thursday: OFF - dinner at families
Friday: 30 minute run (3 miles) + 15 minute stair stepper +back & abs
Saturday: long outdoor 5 mile run on the trail
*Also today through Friday, there will be 3 mile walks during my lunch break with a couple of the girls I work with*
I'm treating EVERY workout this week like a last chance workout (Biggest Loser style!), so I know I'm gonna be going to bed exhausted. Always on the menu (or not on the menu, rather), is NOT eating a bunch of crap and overeating. I don't really eat horribly, I actually eat very clean and good, but I nibble when I get home and when I cook din din. So no nibbling. Ms. Fergilicous herself said she uses tactics such as telling herself that french fries have poison on them, to stop her from eating. So at night, the only food that's not dowsed in cyanide, is the food for dinner and my protein shake/bar for dessert.
What do YOU find that motivates you to do your own "last chance workout" ?
Posted by
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Good morning beautiful readers!! I thought I'd throw a little "About me" survey in the blog this fine Saturday morning. Have a GREAT Saturday!!
1. What has been your most memorable Mother's Day? (with your mom, as a mom, or with your wife)
I am copying Jersey Blonde on this one. The most memorable one I think was Mothers Day 2006. My mom (and dad), always wanted nice group pics of my brother, sister and I, so we went to Picture People and got really nice pictures of the 3 of us. This Mothers Day is going to be awesome too tho, my mom just doesn't know it yet :)
2. Have you ever been pulled over for speeding and were you able to talk your way out of it?
Who hasn't been pulled over for speeding? I have only been pulled over twice, once for phone and once for speeding. I had just gotten my license and was going 91 (according to the cop) on a 65...don't judge, Ricky Bobby and I just have a lot in common..we like to go fast! Don't worry, I NEVER speed anymore
3. What's the oldest thing you have hanging in your closet?
A jacket from Old Navy that I had gotten right before my Nicky boy and I met and he came back to the states. He always tells me how he likes the jacket, so I can't get rid of it
4. Do you whiten your teeth?
I did, and in fact I am picking up some more Crest Whitening strips today since I haven't done them in forever and I LOOOVE having white teeth
5. Underwear or Panties?
Panties. No granny underwear for me..EVER! I will forever support the low rise panties until I make them the new granny panties when I'M a granny lol
6. If you could go on vacation right would you go?
Well if I get to pick the length of my vacation. I'd take a month: start off in the city that my heart is, London. People, I cannot stress enough how in love I am with that city. I almost *this* close to believing I lived a previous life and that was the city I resided in, hehe. So I'd start off in London for tea with the queen and so on for about a week and a half, go to Blackburn to see where my gma was born (in Manchester area) for about a week, then head down to Zihuatanejo, Mexico where my parents have their condo and do some drinky drinky and tanning. (Could this little vacation be reality please?)
7. Do you get offended when people cuss on their blogs?
Not really. Nick is a former Marine, and in the beginning of our relationship, cussing was just part of his language. Jarheads... I swear ;)
8. If you had to give up one luxury item, it would be....?
Oh man, I guess my DVR? That's my main "luxury" item I guess. I'd be so so so sad tho. I hate watching live TV and I don't have time to.
Posted by
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Labels: survey