Buenos Dias lovely readers!
This week seems to be dragging. Work is busy, but seeing that sunshine outside everyday, get's me antsy for the weekend. How can they expect me to work when I see people jogging and riding their bikes by my window enjoying the sunshine.
There is something to be said for losing weight and when warm weather comes around, being ecstatic! I actually bought my 1st pair of shorts! I haven't worn shorts in ooooo, 7 years? Not that I look completely horrible in short, but in my mind I looked horrible and was terribly self conscious. So, I'm busting them out. And speaking of summer clothes, I got my package of Forever 21 stuff in the mail!! I will take pics probably this weekend so you can all see, but until then, this is what I ordered right after I placed the 1st (I didn't see them when I placed my 1st order):
Is it obvious I'm obsessed with Maxi's? In a previous post, I showed you all my items I got at the actual Forever 21 store (opposed to online). Forever 21 has amazing prices and the clothes are pretty decent quality. In my opinion, their quality is just as nice as Target's. (ahhh, Target and Forever 21 = LOVE!). F21 is my ultimate stop for updating my wardrobe when it gets a little worn down.
Since I'm on a roll with talking all things 'Summer' related, last night after an INTENSE workout (will talk about that in a minute), Nick and I headed over to Lowes, where we scored a sweet deal on a new (propane) BBQ. We actually got a BBQ not too long ago, but it was a charcoal and it seems to take forever to heat it up and when your on a time crunch on work nights, you want something to heat up fast.
So yours truly, will be enjoying some delicious marinating since Monday steaks after some XBike tonight :)
So last nights workout was.....INTENSE. I was sweating out of every pore my friends. After Nicky-poo and I finished our upper body workout, my shoulders were D-E-A-D! So onto Tread I went, and that's when the nausea set in. There are times, that if I lift at my max (like yesterday), and then jump right on the treadmill, things can get a little woozy. So I took it slow on Tread for about 5 minutes, walking at an incline of 9 at 3.8mph, I was able to raise my heart rate in a way that didn't seem like a total shock to my body. Once it was raised - it was ON! I ran just below a sprint for 5 minutes, ran at a 6.0 for 23 minutes, and then cooled down at a 3.5. Sometimes when you get into that groove in your workout and your ipod just happens to hit every song with a mad beat, you feel untouchable. You reach that workout high, and sooner or later, you don't even care to wipe that sweat from your forehead. THAT was last night's workout.
Have a beautiful day lovely readers!

I love that feeling! I actually just about experience that every time I workout! Working out is much more fun these days! Cute dresses, by the way :)
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