So the California weather has been so weird in Sacramento for like the past 2 weeks! For a few days, it'll be bordering on 80, and then it'll switch up to like 3 days of cold and rain and winds. However, today and the next few days are going to be GORGEOUS! The kinda weather people think about when they think 'California'.
Not too bad, right?
I hope you all had a fabulous Mothers Day weekend! Mine was filled with a 3 miler on Tread on Saturday morning, and celebrating Mothers day with the fam over at my parents house with MUY bueno food and muy bueno family.
Since my Saturday run at the gym, I have done ZERO exercise, but I did manage to squeeze in a great dinner with Bestie since we were 4 years old and her beautiful baby Addison last night
Isn't Addison just precious?! I am so happy for Lisa :) Now, if only I could clone Addi love hehe.
Onto the sweat and blood of this blog (ok, maybe not blood): WORKOUTS!! Like I mentioned before, I have not done any working out since my 3 miler on Saturday AM! This is unacceptable, especially considering the role with working out I was on last week! So my plan for the rest of this week:
Monday: off
Tuesday: 30 minute run (3 miles) +15 minute stair stepper +Upper body strength
Wednesday: 30 minute XBIKE - aka, watch your weight melt into a puddle beneath your bike
Thursday: OFF - dinner at families
Friday: 30 minute run (3 miles) + 15 minute stair stepper +back & abs
Saturday: long outdoor 5 mile run on the trail
*Also today through Friday, there will be 3 mile walks during my lunch break with a couple of the girls I work with*
I'm treating EVERY workout this week like a last chance workout (Biggest Loser style!), so I know I'm gonna be going to bed exhausted. Always on the menu (or not on the menu, rather), is NOT eating a bunch of crap and overeating. I don't really eat horribly, I actually eat very clean and good, but I nibble when I get home and when I cook din din. So no nibbling. Ms. Fergilicous herself said she uses tactics such as telling herself that french fries have poison on them, to stop her from eating. So at night, the only food that's not dowsed in cyanide, is the food for dinner and my protein shake/bar for dessert.
What do YOU find that motivates you to do your own "last chance workout" ?

Normally I am motivated by whatever goal I have in mind. I will be honest, muscle soreness helps me to push further.
YES CORLETTA! I totally agree- when I'm sore, I know I'm doing my job. Another thing that motivates me, is when i'm having a "skinny day" :)
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