Hello lovely blog readers! How was your day? Mine started off on kinda a low note. N went to bed sick last night and he was still sick this morning. I hate it when my hubby is sick. So being the good nurse I am, I doped him up on some Ibuprofen and Mucinex MD. He sounded so congested and he kept saying how his head was so full it could pop. So he stayed home while my mamacita and I went.....furniture shopping!! N & I need new couches (and a few other pieces) so, we had planned on going today, but when the cold from hell decided to drop on in and stick to N, we thought it was best he stayed home and slept. So off we went to boost the economy with money that disappears faster than its brought in with the next best thing- my madre!
After stopping by the new apartment to get room measurements, we stopped by several furniture places and even 2 consignment stores with a budget in mind. There were good deals, but N and I had a budget (and he likes it when I stick to them). FINALLY when my mom and I were driving, we saw those peeps on the side of the road dancing with their signs holding one that said "FURNITURE LIQUIDATION! LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN! CAN'T BE BEAT!" Hey-o! That caught my attention faster than another one of Tiger's hoochies revealing more sext messages. We got there and there were couches and other miscellaneous furniture pieces everywhere. My mom and I walked down every aisle in that place until then *insert heaven music here*, there they were. 2 beautiful pieces that were perfect! Even more perfect? The price! For the both of them, it was $599 (599, are you outta your mind?!). Most def a little more than what N and I wanted to spend, but Karli was in control of this mission and I had my trusty mom there who loves a great deal and she was telling me to go for it! I snapped a pic with my handy dandy iPhone and emailed it to N (who was thankfully awake), to get the approval. Two sick thumbs up from N and out came the check book (ka ching! *insert sad, why can't things be free music here*). Delivery date set and I couldn't be happier and more proud of myself. The deal I walked away with was su-weet! We've never had brand new furniture since we've been married so this will be a lifestyle change for us. We're all growns up *Tear*
After the heartache that was giving up a paycheck, my mom and I were famished. So after a quick stop at Kohls, we decided to meet up with one of my very loyal readers. My gramma (HI GRAMMA :D )!! We went to her favorite Mexican place, and it really hit the spot. I wish I had taken a picture of it, cause it was a butte! I had a vegetarian burrito (guac, rice, pinto beans, lettuce, fresh chopped salsa) I finished only half of it cause it was as big as Lisa Rina's upper lip

No way would I be able to finish it. After a nice chat we rolled ourselves over to another consignment store (which is where I fell in love with a lamp that would look great right next to our new couch), and then to Trader Joe's. My mom has MS, and got this book called Ultra-Metabolism, which is a book about your diet and especially making your diet gluten free, which is a must do for people with MS. My mom has symptoms that can get in the way of her doing and enjoying things she wants to do, so I am encouraging her to try this diet. Its recommended by a lot of Dr.'s for patients with MS, and I've read so many reviews by people with MS who love it. So while we were at Trader Joe's, we browsed some sections where she will be shopping. Before N and I moved back to California, I shopped at Whole Foods for most of my produce and some other ingredients my clean eating cookbook called for. So I am going to show my mom where she will be finding a lot of her gluten free ingredients. This is a lifestyle change for her, and she's actually really excited as am I. I've told her I will go on walks with her too, since its important for EVERYONE to get in some sort of cardio everyday (today mine was shopping, duh!)
So tomorrow we are off to Trader Joe's and Safeway to get all of the ingredients for her "Phase 1" of the plan. I'm going to be participating in this lifestyle while N and I still live here, so I'm really excited too! I have heard great things about going gluten free in terms of the difference your body will look. Goes perfectly with my plan

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