So I'm going to start this blog on more of a serious topic: I am seriously so bummed about Brittany Murphy dying this morning. Here is a brief snip from wikipedia
"...Murphy was rushed to the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center after suffering a full cardiac arrest and pronounced dead. Reports of her death were confirmed by the Los Angeles County Coroner's office and a spokesperson at the hospital."
Now I do agree with what people are saying, that it probably was drugs and the word on the street was that she had a problem with anorexia, but non the less, she was still a bouncy happy little thing (coulda been the result of the pills now that I think about it). Hollywood has lost an amazing actress. They are saying that her husband is opposing the autopsy which my sister and I both agree that he probably knows she was on some sort(s) of drug(s) and he just doesn't want people to remember her like that. N on the other hand is from the school of "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime". Crime equaling drugs of course. I do agree with him, but still- sad, sad, sad! Her mother, Sharon, was the one who found her too which I can't even begin to imagine finding your child unconscious on the floor.
Now shifting gears here: Working out- I have not worked out once this whole weekend. Yesterday was a day full of walking around, but nothing that I would call a workout. So I sorta feel like a slob today. N and I went to din din with Bestie Bon Bon and her hubby last night at Benihana's and it was so good that I hardly left a thing on my plate- NOT GOOD. The restaurant was kind enough to take my picture as N and I were leaving last night
Sike! That's not me, but in my mind, that's what I felt like. Tomorrow its back to the gym for some mayja working out. I'm feeling an upper body day/run 3 miles sorta day, and maybe follow it up with their addicting vanilla raspberry whey protein shakes. If I could have permanent IV with that stuff in it, I would. You think I'm joking but I'm not- it's that good. Also something else thats just as delicious as a raspberry vanilla whey protein shake, is that I won't be starting my new job till after the 1st! I get to soak up the long workouts and just relaxing till after the holidays!!!

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