After my lovely (and I use that term loosly) 3 mile run on the tready at the gym, and a hurt so good lifting session, I was famished. I was starving for some reason! Not just a stomach growl, but a feeling dizzy starving. So what did I do? The natural thing any woman would do- go to Starbucks! I ordered myself a tall extra hot non fat skinny mocha hold the whip. I have no problem having my protein in the form of a delicious hot beverage. Thanks to darling N for a darling gift card to Sbucks.
So I most def hit the jackpot at Pier 1. When my family decided they were going to do an ornament exchange instead of getting everyone a present, I immediately headed to Pier 1. They have the cutest and most prettiest ornaments ever! I knew they were having a crazy sale so I was very excited knowing that whatever I walked out with, I was going to get a great deal on it. I walked out with the most AMAZING canvas painting, 2 pillows for my new couch, and 2 adorable ornaments. The painting was originally $130, the ornaments were originally $9 and $4, the pillows were normally $25 each, and how much did my trip cost? $60 and some change! You cannot beat this people. The painting will be going right over my new couch and I can't tell you how in love I am with it. I kept thinking about it sitting in my car while I did my other shopping. *side note: I did have to text N to make sure it was a-okay to buy the painting. I convinced him this was a NEED and NOT a want-take notes ladies*
OOO mama loves
The cushy comfy pillows to go on our beautiful new couches
The cutsie ornaments that I won't use or really see till next Christmas :(

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