My family gave to me: a beautiful Christmas treeeeee
Trying to find THE tree
Maybe a tad too small
We found the perfect one!
We couldn't leave without a snap shot of Bunny boo with Santa Clause
Let the festivities begin! While my dad was putting the lights on the Christmas tree, Monica and Mack-a-tack, were hard at work making deeelicious peanut butter cookies
There she is! Before the decorations attacked her limbs
The lovely decorating committee
The beautiful disaster that was "organizing" the Christmas decorations we've had since me, my sister and brother were babies
Drum roll please.............
My dad is going to add the garland tomorrow, but I must say (in a totally bias opinion of course) it's a beauty! Easy on the eyes if ya know what I mean. Everyone had a good time helping out and Daisy Mae had a fun time with her kong, not helping out
Now it is time to relax by the fire and kick back with N and finish up the Christmas shopping from the nice cozy location that is the couch- the pic is dark but you catch the drift
Can't you just feel the coziness come through your monitors?
Hope you all are having a happy holiday season so far! I am doing really good with interviews and workouts. Last Friday I had my 2nd round of interviews with the same company I interviewed with on Thursday, and it went really well. The guy told me that he thinks I will be hired with no problem. He also told the first lady I interviewed with, that he really liked me and things went really well. I really hope I get this job. Not to get all yippity on you all, BUT I am about to. This just goes to show that a positive attitude will do so much for you. I have kept positive about the whole being laid off thing and just knew that God had something else in mind for me. I have my 3rd and final interview with the company tomorrow at 4:30pm and I will be a nervous wreck I'm sure since it's with the regional manager. The woman whom I interviewed with on Thursday told me that she is a really nice though, so I am not too worried about it. To unravel some of my nerves, I will be running a mile or 2 and going to spin class in the morning. Nothing like sweating all the butterflies straight out to the point of a blackout. Just to keep you up to date from my last post : Shredding and running 3 miles on average, have been accomplished everyday these past few days (snaps for Karli!) Then to keep my UNnervous self busy, I will be running to CVS to get N and mine's Christmas cards printed and at least ready to mail the next day. If the butterflies aren't gone by THIS point, I will return home shortly after I get the Christmas cards and catch up on all the important, soul nurturing shows such as Jersey Shore, Bad Girls Club, and my favorite Teen Mom. Guilty pleasures I tell ya!
Have a splendid week ladies and gents!

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