Workout Today - 30 day Shred & Biggest Loser Boot camp. Not having a gym sorta sucks, but I make it work.
My Monday has consisted of driving around Safeway's and Winco trying to find empty boxes. For some reason or other, I haven't found any but 2. TWO! When we moved from CA to NC, I got ALL my moving boxes from behind grocery stores. So I called it good after 2 and took my defeated butt home to use the two I had.
After having a photo shoot and a walk with T Money,
"And dis is meye serweus face"

"ha ha! Only kidding mama"

I headed back to la casa to clean. Speaking of "la casa", I cant stop driving by our soon to be house. Even though, I can't really see it from the road, I like to pretend I'm going home. This week I really need to get on he whole picking out the paint colors. That's the very first thing we're doing and if we are moving in in about 1.5 weeks, I need to put the pedle to the metal. In our bedroom right now we have 1 red wall that our bed is against, so I plan on doing the same in our new house.

Please excuse the unmade bed at 1:20 in the afternoon
I am also wanting to get a soft mocha color for Troy's room, and depending on the condition of the rest of the house ( I just can't remember the paint right now), I might get something similar for the rest of the house.
Hope ya'll are having a great day!

My infant is smarter than your honor student
Hey if you call Starbucks and ask them to save you boxes they will! Every morning they get quite a few and they are good boxes! :) Check it out! Miss ya!
A few times I have gone into the grocery store and asked for boxes, they handed them right over! :)
Try going inside and asking for boxes, that's usually what I do and they hand them right over!
Try going to Target first thing when they open. They usually have lots of boxes they smash, but would gladly give away. I don't know what part of Sac you live in, but the West Sacramento Target is friendly and would give you boxes.
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