Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Well Crap...

So today was the first time and last time I took Troy to the gym. It wasn't their fault, but come to find out they will charge me a FULL MEMBERSHIP just to bring my infant. What.the.EFF?! And since my hubbs works during the day, there really isn't anyone close by who can watch Troy while I run to the gym. Since we are most likely (still in escrow and don't wanna be counting chickens before they hatch) getting a house up the hill, I'm going to be going to a gym closer to home. So, I will be canceling my fancy shmancy gym membership at the end of the month and sticking to working out at home and running outside. One of the things that sucks is since it's getting so warm, I will be sweating a gallon a minute. So I'm going to have to reevaluate my workouts, but basically what Im going to be doing for awhile is the Shred and run about 3 miles my normal workout days.

In other Troy news, we have broken the needing the swaddle dealio. Boy was getting too big for it & he also has been rolling over and it made me nervous knowing he could roll over and if his arms weren't free, it just wouldn't be good.

Have a great evening ladies, I'm off to make some of this Taco Bake recipe


Traci said...

Got and advice on how to work out at home? I just can't seem to do it. For one I feel like I don't get as good of a workout and I just can't seem to do it.

erin said...

An entire membership to bring Troy? Do they have infant treadmills he can use?? Good grief.

Fash Boulevard said...

haha. i love this. thanks for another inspiring post. would love if you stopped by to see my latest outfit post and celebrity trend report. xoxo


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