So I'm nuts when it comes to running. It's not a secret ladies. I actually PAY MONEY to run x amount of miles just for a t shirt and bragging rights. Crazy, right?
Weeeeell, something just happened to pop into my inbox this morning

You read that right - the FAMOUS Shamrock HALF MARATHON - As in 13.1 miles. It's in March, Im not worried, it gives me time to train and it FORCES me to run. So I can't freak out too much, I will commit to training properly

Part of my "training" (or my "get Troy out of the house") plan, is jogging the hills around my house. Lay-dees, I am talking STEEP hills. This is just an example of the incline on one of the 3 (THREE!!!) hills I die up
And I'm also pushing a stroller (no idea how much it weighs) and a 22lb child up them
The incline is great for a nice tight deriere and tight buttocks and quads. Wanna come with? Promise, misery loves company!
Today I took some pics from my jog that I thought I'd share
"Ready dude?"
I had some cheerleaders
...and I had some onlookers waiting for me to drop dead
Thought it would make a cool pic for Instagram
All flat roads from here on out. Welcome to country running ladies!
GET IT GIRL. You have such prettttty scenery to RUN!! ;) I am an avid runner too!! You can easily get obsessed with it! And I loooove that you have a Daisy Mae like ME!! xoxo
if i can run a half marathon a mommma like you who is in way better shape can do it!! inclines are my enemy but they hurt so good!!
Girlfriend! The Shamrock race is a good one...I ran the VA beach Half last year and its a great city. I live in the country too and did ALL my training for my Full on the back roads..think horses, cows, goats and the occaisonal llama. You go girl!
You are a rockstar for training with a jogging stroller! I can only run with Char in one for about half a mile before wanting to die.
Oh my, I am so glad I found your blog :)!!
I just ran my first half a few weeks ago and loved every second of it.
Love your blog. xoxo!
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