Image from here
Well I did it - I signed up for my 1st race since the little bambino made his way into the world.

Tell me my child couldn't be a baby model and I'd call you a liar
So it's a 5K. Not too harsh, I just ran a 5K yesterday on my long lost boyfriend, Tread Mill so come Thanksgiving, I'll be golden...and skinnier. Seriously girls, I am OVA' not having that pre baby body back. Sure my body is just "so amazing" and brought another person in this world, but I want my cake and I want to eat it too - aka have the baby and the body. So while everyone is stuffing their bellies full of delicious holiday foods, Im going to stuff mine with portion control - YAAAAAAY (insert sarcasm here). I just polished off that last pumpkin cookie this morning (coffee and a pumpkin cookie first thing in the morning - try it!) so no more sugary temptations here. Unless you count the Merlot on my counter, but I WILL NOT be giving up my adult beverages. I'm a mom, remember? Raven knows what I'm talking about....
Kevin did that last year...we were thinking of doing it together this year but we are going on a family trip to Disneyland for thanksgiving instead
I'm doing the run to feed the hungry this year!
i would never give up my adult beverages either ;) momma needs those!!
and your little man is TOOOOO cute!!! :)
I am the same way. I would much prefer running and eating well and not binging on food and still be able to drink too much, umm I mean enjoy an occasional glass of wine, than the latter.
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