Monday, July 30, 2012
Weekend Wrap Up
Happy Monday ladies! Can I just be real? I love the weekends. DUH, who doesn't?! I love when Nick is home tho. I know this is rare and all, but even after 7 years, I look forward to him coming home & being home all weekend. He's my buddy! Mk, so I don't know if its "rare" necessarily, but it's definitely not something I hear my girlfriends saying about their hubbies. Maybe that just means mine is kick ass?
Im linking up with Sami at Sami Shenangians for Weekend Wrap Up because it was sorta a busy weekend, and it deserves a post!
1.) Last Friday night, yeah we danced on table tops, and we took too many shots.... kidding! So my Ms. Jenni and Ms. Ryan came over (5 kids between us all) and it was chaos. No other way to say it. Our hubbies were out in the acreage that surrounds the valley we live in scouting out deer hunting places come fall, so us womenfolk had the kids. It makes me realize more and more that since Troy is older now, I need to make his room more "friend friendly". I've started to put more toys in there because he does like to walk in there and play when he's bored with what's in the living room, but I need to make it more playable for when friends come over. Because giiiiirls, there were 5 kids in my living room, tearing it up, toys everywhere, and fighting over! Troy was the only boy, there were two 2.5 year old little girls, a almost 4 year old, and a 6 year old. The 2.5 & 4 year old were doing the "MINE!!!! MINE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!" game. Good thing for my 'rita. I always wonder what Troy is thinking when he's around all the craziness that is a girl because he just stares at them like their cray cray. Get used to it, my friend.
2.) I had my first Stella & Dot Trunk Show - BOO YA!!! It was actually more of a meet and greet for my girlfriends baby girl that is 3 months old, but she wanted to make the meet & greet more fun, so she had myself and 2 other girls there that had their own home businesses. We all had our tables set up and her guests were free to come around and take a look. Lots of fun & I couldn't have had a better "warm up" show. It was a great crowd for my first show. My actual launch show is August 10th, and thats REALLY gonna be some fun - about 20 really fun girls having already RSVP'd! And with Christmas only 147 days away (yeah, I said the 'C' word - Im SO excited for it!), I highly suggest everyone starts their shopping so its not a mad dash at the end of the year. Lucky for everyone Stella & Dot has recently added to their Summer Sale selection. Some stuff may or may not already be in my cart.
3.) LOOK at this bad boy that was in my tire! Holy moly, Im so glad I got this looked at. My tire light came on in my car for the tire pressure, and I thought it was just cause of the crazy weather we've been having here in Nor Cal, that its been screwing with my tire pressure. Im happy I didn't just brush it under the rug cause it would not have been cool sitting on the side of the freeway with a popped tire, and a very active 1.5 year old, waiting on AAA.
4.) This little T Rex of mine deserves a shout out. This picture was actually from earlier in the week, but ohmygosh- love this face, truly my lady killer. That spaghetti sauce just adds to the cuteness!
Hope y'all had a fabulous weekend & did something fun in the sun! Can you believe its going to be August here in a couple of days?! Holy smokes, where has the year gone!?
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Monday, July 30, 2012
Labels: link ups, weekend recap
Friday, July 27, 2012
Friday Letters - Link it up, homies!
Dear Self: You rocked it yesterday. You were like superwoman! Making a surprise dessert for the newbies on your hunnie's team at work. Then tackling that mound of dishes in the sink, while running outside to do more coats of paint to your Pinterest inspired Stella & Dot display set up? Bravo! Girlfraaaand, first Trunk Show is tomorrow, and you're gonna rock it - we got this. Dear Hubbinator: I know you're exhausted from this new management position. So much so that when you get home all you wanna do is collapse on the couch and just XBOX the heck out. Please know, I notice how hard you bust that ass for our family & it's been duly noted my friend. Dear Mom: I am thankful I have you so close. When I see how much fun Troy has with you and dad, I never wish we still lived in North Carolina still - Troy loves y'all to pieces...and his new helicopter. Dear Old Lady & Old Man (I shall refer to them as "The Dems") at the gym: So Im taking this week as the week you've made your point clear. Ever since y'all started coming to the gym when I do, we have had a war in the cardio room. A war that has been going on for years all over the USA: CNN vs. Fox News. I understand you like to
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Friday, July 27, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Say What?!
Bad move K Stew. Rob Pattinson is a tad bit out of your league and you go and cheat on him with a MARRIED director with 2 kids?! Girlfraaaand, something besides that attitude of yours needs to get checked. Here I was giving Troy his breakfast when I opened up my daily news favorite gossip site and BOOM! I gasped, which in turn Troy gasped as well. For reals, there are pics and everything so there is NO hiding it. Poor Rob. I know plenty of girls who would fly to him this instant to comfort that man vampire.
Read all about the story here.
Today Im having a movie date with the bestie Jenni, and we're seeing Miss Katy Perry's Part of Me movie/documentary. Have a great hump day!
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Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
What is wrong with people?!
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Friday, July 20, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
The Besties Dirty 30th

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
What I Want
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Monday, July 16, 2012
Labels: life
Friday, July 13, 2012
Big Brother is Back!
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Friday, July 13, 2012
Labels: reality tv
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
The OC Reunion Recap

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Labels: reality tv
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Why Stella & Dot
So if you missed my post from Friday, you will have missed the fact that I announced that I have decided to become a Stella & Dot Stylist.
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Sunday, July 08, 2012
Labels: Stella and Dot
Friday, July 6, 2012
Friday Fav's
Happy Friday/Weekend's Eve ladies!
I hope y'all had a great 4th of July. Pretty low key for our household - we putzzed around our house and I took a cat nap until about 1ish and then we headed down the road to my parents house for some pool fun. Absolutely no pictures - I know, major fail. To suffice, how about a little bit of this guy on his quad
So let's get to Friday Fav's shall we?!

Another Favorite this week - THIS preview for the Real Housewives of OC reunion.
I cannot tell y'all how many times I've hit rewind to watch Andy's face in slo mo again and again. I have a feeling, I am going to have to empty my bladder completely before I see the whole thing when it airs, because I cannot stop laughing. Seriously, am I the only one? Please tell me this is cracking you up as much as me. His true fufu comes out with the reaction.
My dad is another favorite this week! So my dad who NEVER shops unless it's dude stuff or it's Christmas time, decided he wasn't going to use this little sweet thang and gifted his daughter with it. I just don't understand how people can NOT use a Target gift card? I tried (ONCE!) to decline, but he insisted, and girlfraaaands, you aint gotta tell me more than once when it comes to spending free cash at Tar-jay. This may or may not be spent today.
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Friday, July 06, 2012
Labels: celeb pics, reality tv, shopping, Stella and Dot, Troy