Happy Friday/Weekend's Eve ladies!
I hope y'all had a great 4th of July. Pretty low key for our household - we putzzed around our house and I took a cat nap until about 1ish and then we headed down the road to my parents house for some pool fun. Absolutely no pictures - I know, major fail. To suffice, how about a little bit of this guy on his quad
So let's get to Friday Fav's shall we?!

Another Favorite this week - THIS preview for the Real Housewives of OC reunion.
I cannot tell y'all how many times I've hit rewind to watch Andy's face in slo mo again and again. I have a feeling, I am going to have to empty my bladder completely before I see the whole thing when it airs, because I cannot stop laughing. Seriously, am I the only one? Please tell me this is cracking you up as much as me. His true fufu comes out with the reaction.
My dad is another favorite this week! So my dad who NEVER shops unless it's dude stuff or it's Christmas time, decided he wasn't going to use this little sweet thang and gifted his daughter with it. I just don't understand how people can NOT use a Target gift card? I tried (ONCE!) to decline, but he insisted, and girlfraaaands, you aint gotta tell me more than once when it comes to spending free cash at Tar-jay. This may or may not be spent today.
I couldn't be more excited about you joining our team! Your going to love our team and you are going to rock it out.
Ummm ANDY getting attacked by the bird is so hilarious. He kept replaying it on WWHL and I was dieing!!!
Great Faves! TGIF. Thanks for linking up!
Congratulations hun! How exciting :-)
Aww, Troy is just so adorable.
I have only started watching Real Housewives in the last couple of months (hey, to be fair, I don't have cable!). It's actually pretty cool because I have sooo many seasons to watch. What's your favourite franchise? And fav housewife? I loved the first couple of seasons of NY and the first season of Atlanta. Currently watching the first season of BH.
I LIVE for that bird promo!! It is hilar!!!! I am so excited you are selling stella & dot!! I may have to make some purchases! How does being a stylist work? There is nothing I love more than a gift card, your dad is awesome:)
Congrats on Stella and Dot! I have so many friends doing it and they love it! That song is awesome, by the way!
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