Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy Hump Day!!

So I forgot to mention. I am on a mission. I have an interview with a gym as a personal trainer in about 2 weeks. This will be my first ever personal training interview and I'm super nervous. Like what if I don't know how to do something with a client. What if someone has a bad knee or back and I can't think of an exercise plan that would be the best for him? I'm super nervous, BUT I have to have faith in myself, that I know this stuff and just be confident. So amidst my nerves, I am focused on looking the best I can look. Which means:
1.) Hitting the gym in the AM's at least 4 mornings a week(SO HARD TO DO!! AND THIS DOESN'T INCLUDE SATURDAY'S). Training includes: running 30 minute intervals, lifting for 20-30 minutes.
2.) Tanning 4 times a week
3.) making sure I have a balanced amount of carbs, fats, and proteins and fiber! I think I'm going to say no carbs/or very minimal amount past 8pm EVERY night. Includes weekends. Most importantly, eat as clean as I can get!
4.) HYDRATE HYDRATE W/H20- should be no problem since I chug water like its disappearing from the face of the earth.
3.) Sessions w/Jillian Michael's (AMAZING PROGRAM THAT I'VE HAD SUCCESS W/IS THE 30 DAY SHRED. I RECOMMEND IT TO EVERYONE AT ALL FITNESS LEVELS) and my one and only Bob Harper W/Boot camp at least 2x a week.

I think with this, I will be a lot more confident and ready to go. I am actually super excited to do this since I have a goal to work towards and I dunno about you, but I have such more motivation and will power, if I know I have something I'm working towards. So that's whats up lovelies! Best believe it! I will keep everyone posted on how its going. Happy Hump Day!!!