This chick has a plan. Yup, a plan....and I need to stick to that plan. I have to think of a really good reward if I complete it. I have no friggin idea why getting my butt up in the morning or going to the gym after work has been so tough for me lately, but it has. True, I enjoyed the unemployment life for 1 month so I got used to sleeping in till 8 every morning(Yes 8am!! I don't expect much now do I? :D). But when N and I were in North Carolina, I got my butt to the gym everyday after work and worked it for an hour and a half! I need a plan. I am a follow a workout plan sorta girl. Like when you go in the gym, you gotta have a plan. Otherwise your that person that while you are on the treadmill, you watch them wander around like they are lost till they find a machine they wanna use. So. Here is my plan. Since N starts his new shift next Monday (he'll offically be out of training, YAY!!), I am going to go to the gym after work. He will be working until 9:30pm M-F, so I will have some major time to kill until he gets home. BUT this week, my plan is to workout M-F on the treadmill that's in my house. I will run 3 miles every morning before work! If I can do this I will buy myself __________....still don't know yet, but I will think of something really good and practical. My birthday is next Sunday and I cannot wait!! I already know the shoes I'm wearing!! *PICS WILL COME!*. I am sorta waiting to see what N and my fam and friends get me to figure out what my prize will be. I'm pretty sure I'll be getting myself 1 year Oxygen Magazine subscription, but I also asked for that for my birthday so I am waiting.
O and my eating plan next week is what I'm super excited about too. When N and I lived at the HOLEtel before we left NC, I didn't eat any carbs (other than fruits and veggies) for dinner. It worked really well. Technically you don't need carbs if you don't plan on doing much of anything or need major concentration for dinner. Since N and I won't be having dinner together (sniff...sniff :( ), it will make it easier to just scramble up some eggs, drizzle with some hot sauce, and voila! You got a protein packed dinner to repair those muscles I will have been working previously at the gym.
I will TRY to blog more during the week since I was so bad last week. I need to keep you guys up with my progress. Wish me luck!!

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