Well this has just been a birthday weekend for meee! Since my actual birthday is today on a Sunday, I decided that I wanted to celebrate it on Saturday since I would be staying up late and I could sleep in! Great idea since we didn't end up getting home from dinner until 11:30pm. Needless to say I was so tired this morning for when I got up for yoga. Last night's dinner was soooo delicious though. We went to Cheesecake factory. I just love the atmosphere in there too. The lighting is great and the food and portions are great. My mom, me, and my sister shared a bottle of wine which was very good. I am not picky when it comes to wines, but my favorite ones are cab's and merlot's. They have a sweeter taste than the shiraz's in my opinion. I cut loose majorly on my eating last night and when they brought the bread and butter to the table, no loaf was safe! It was seriously like I hadn't eaten in 2 months. N kept laughing at me cause I was just so much about it, I kept tearing off more bread and grabbing a butter along with it. But I thought what the heck, its my birthday and I am gonna work out tomorrow. For dessert, what else, but cheesecake! Please enjoy the before dinner and during dinner pics.
I don't really feel older, just more tired. At 1:45pm today I kissed 22 goodbye for good by getting a mani/pedi and relaxing as I got the best leg/foot massage. It seriously lasted for 20 minutes. JUST THE MASSAGE! All you ladies out there know what I am talking about when I say how important the massage is to the pedicure. I tip on how the massage is.
I am excited to see what 23 brings. 22 brought change. All of it for the best too. Things fail so other things can happen that will bring more positivity in your life. I learn more about myself each year. In my 22nd year on earth, I have learned how strong I am. I have made fitness a priority in my life, lost weight and gained a healthy strong body, ran a 5K, obtained my CPT certification, moved back to CA where my heart truly is,started a new job in a new industry, and matured in how I value people and learned to let go of the people who shouldn't be valued. In my 23rd year I hope to: run 2 more 5K's or even a 10K, purchase a house with the man of my dreams/life, get our English Mastiff, watch 2 babies come into the world to 2 of the most valued friends I have, and maybe even start a family of mine and N's own. I believe that 23 will be a great year....I will let you know how it goes when 24 comes around :D
I hope you all have a great Sunday and soak up the last bit of weekend we have left! I wanted to show you all my new iphone that N got me for my birthday and how peerrty it is with its new hot pink cover!

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