Today marks the 1st day of my last week in my 1st trimester (did you catch that? lol). SO excited and thrilled to move onto the "honeymoon phase". Which is what I've heard the 2nd trimester being called. Feeling really good lately, no need for that Zofran -- well maybe after workouts when I'm just not feelin it.
Whats happenin with my little bean this week?
Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.
Exciting, right?!
How far along? 13 weeks
How big is the baby? The size of a shrimp in a shrimp cocktail, mmmmmmm
Weight gain? I don't think I've gained more than 5lbs so far
Stretchmarks? Still none. Hoping for none. A girl I worked with told me her mom used Olive oil on her belly EVERY day, so that's what I've been doing
Maternity clothes? thank God I can wear Maxi dresses to work - lots of stretching in those babies
Sleep? Like a baby - I fall asleep during commercials!
Best moment of the week? Moving into our 2 bedroom place. The furniture goes in there on the 18th and then I'll just sit in there and stare I'm sure.
Food and Cravings? Oh I crave ice water with a slice of lemon in it. With a straw if you please
Gender? Not sure - we find out early September, but Nick refers to the baby bean as 'him'
Movement? None yet :( Although I've heard week 14 you start feeling the flutters - cannot wait!!!
What I miss? So far, not much - life is grand :)
Belly Button? still an innie, but when I eat a lot and my belly gets firm, it pushes my belly button ring out a bit...might need to get a prenatal ring sooner than I thought :)
Looking forward too? finding out the sex!! Oh and my 1st prenatal massage, whenever that may be
Milestone? the last week of my 1st trimester!!!

YAY for baby bean & YAY for last week of your 1st trimester. Your about me pick you have such rockin abs I can't amagine you having a belly! too too cute!!
Love your blog Karli
haha awww thanks Katie!! Yeah, I'm planning on getting those abs back after the baby gets here :)
PS - Love your blog too :)
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