I was thrilled to get the okay from my OB to keep getting my hair done, I was SO excited. I think a lot of women can feel frumpy when they get pregnant and not as attractive. I have already experienced these moment of insecurities, but I got over them. So in my opinion, if you can make yourself feel better (I'm sure some of you will think it's vain), then I say do it.
I want to get all the way back to blonde. A really sexy blonde. My hair right now is brown underneath and blonde on top, so Im ready for a change. Here are some of my favorite blondes and shades of blonde I love! Now to pick which one...Im leaning towards Jessica Simpson, what do you all think?

Those women are all gorgeous!! I love the cut of Jessica Simpson's hair too...
Can't wait to see how it comes out!
I'm all for Carrie Underwood! That's good to hear about coloring your hair I was worried that would be me one day with brown hair because I wouldn't be allowed to bleach.
Blonds always have more fun... and they are easier to see in the dark :-)
Jenn, I was sorta leaning towards Carrie Underwood's color too :) Plus I love her!
blonde blonde blonde blonde!!!
I'm glad when im preggo I wont have to worry bc I dont dye my hair :)
show pics when you get it done!
Oh I'll most def be posting pics. I'm not getting it cut, maybe a trim tho. I'm leaning towards a mix between Carrie Underwood and Jessica Simpson color :)
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