Boy am I tired! I came back from the gym this morning, made dinner (turkey sloppy joes) and am now on the couch ready to crash and crash hard. I have had a few stressful days at work so it's been causing my posts to slow down a bit.
Yesterday was our heart beat appointment!! It was amazing. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard. Please enjoy:
The heart beat was 154, and if the myths are true, it's a boy. People have said that if the heart beat is slower, its a boy, and if it's higher, it's a girl. Although one of my girlfriends is having a girl and her heart beat was 152. So we shall see in January. As for my weight, I was way off! I have only gained 1.6 lbs since my last appointment a month ago, which my doctor was pretty happy with. I've heard it's from weeks 16 and on you start rapidly growing thanks to the little bean. I'm trying my hardest to get a glass of milk in everyday for some more calcium (and protein). I have never been one who could drink milk without something sweet. So I will be munching on some pb&j toast with a nice cold glass of milk for dessert.
Totally off topic, but is anyone else asking Double U Tee Eff with Spencer Pratt?!
I STILL think him and Heidi 'Give me H size boobies cause my name is Hedi' Montag, are doing this split for publicity. Get rid of the flesh colored beard you crazy mo fo

SO FUN!! We heard our baby's heartbeat at 6 weeks (they were checking to make sure I didn't have an ectopic pregnancy), and the heartbeat was 144. When I told my mom, the first thing she said was, "It must be a boy!" Haha.
That's so exciting! The heart beat must be a beautiful sound to an expecting mama!
Spencer Pratt - Ugh, he gives me the eebie jeebies!
Aw I loved hearing the heart beat! You look so happy! I can't wait for that day to come for me!
Spencer has lost his marables and replaced them with crystals.
HAHAHA, Jen ;) SO true! Him and his damn crystals!
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