How far along? 15 Weeks baby
Baby's size? My baby bean is the size of an apple! What the heck?! How did the time go by so fast that I have an apple in my stomach now? He/she is about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces
Weight Gain? Um, I don't feel bigger anywhere else other than my belly now that I'm working out, but I have another appointment on Tuesday morning, so we shall see
Maternity clothes? I think I need more. I only have 1 pair of work pants that I can wear, but I'm still wearing maxi's on the weekends. Thank God for being preggo in Summer
Stretch marks? Nope and I constantly smell of olive oil and cocoa butter
Belly button in or out? still in, but after I eat big meals it does somethin funky and makes my belly button ring stick out hehe
Sleep? Love it and could do it 24/7 *thats what she said*
Foods I am loving? just about everything it seems. I feel like I'm constantly hungry too
Foods I am hating? Umm, red meat and chicken is still a challenge for me
Best moment this week? That I actually feel amazing. I was explaining it to Nick and I feel better than I do when I'm not pregnant....just tired. So happy the nausea is ova!
Movement? Pretty sure I felt some tickling feelings in my lower belly
Symptoms? exhaustion, but I'd take that over nausea any day.

Love the I smell of olive oil and cocoa butter.
hehe well then you'd love being around me. Thats what my co workers get to smell today haha
Oh man, I haven't had any nausea, but I definitely feel you on the fatigue! I am having such a hard time finding the energy to do ANY exercising right now. It's all I can do just to go to work! Ugh!
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