Thursday, August 5, 2010

Who says you can't go home?

So yesterday was awesome! Took a day off of work, A-YO! My sister and niecey poo and mom have finally come back from their little getaways. After picking them up from the airport, we headed to brunch and then headed to my parents house to swim and for the jet setters to relax from their flights. We had to make a pit stop at my place to get our swim stuff, and my mom had a tire blow out. Thank God Nick was was with us, because all of us girls were pulling the tire changing kit and with each piece we'd say "What does this do?" or "Do we need this?" It was quite a site - a better site was my manly man on changing this beast of a tire.

Once at my parents, we wasted no time and went & headed straight to the pool - Sacramento was HOT yesterday, so if you were outside for a period of time, it better be by some water. Nick had talked to my dad the other day about how nice it would be if we lived in the same town they did, which is where I grew up. I loved growing up where I did - my parents had 5 acres and we had horses, chickens, goats, pigs, dogs, cats, go karts, trails to explore. It was honestly a great upbringing. When I was 15-16, I really wasn't crazy about it because it is a 10-15 minute drive from where the parties all were- a total cramp in any teenagers style haha. So after some talking, Nick and I are pretty set on buying some land and building- EEEEEK!! This wouldn't happen for another year or so, but it's something we're serious about and it's going to be such another and new adventure. I think it's a great place for kids to grow up and the fact that Nick would love it - he's always been wanting to live somewhere with property. Last night we were day dreaming about the things we could do with a nice 5 acre lot - maybe a horse or two, chickens, whatever the heck we want! Another perk is my family would be super close - opposed to the terribly long 18 minute drive we have now haha!



The Undomestic Mom said...

sounds so fun...minus the tire! Ben is dying to get some acreage too and build our next home one it!

A Real Housewife said...

tell me about the hasn't been below 106 here since saturday! how awesome for you and your hubby to have big plans to look forward to!

Tatiana said...

Cute blog!
I think it's so great when kids can grow up on a larger piece of land. There are so many more things for them to do. My husband and I would love to have more land for our growing family as well :-)