Hey all you beautiful people out there! Guess what?! Well you know how N had an interview yesterday and he was supposed to hear back today?! Wellllll HE GOT IT!! He was offered the job!! I am so excited!! #1, he gets his foot in the door into the computer world which is fab, #2, it does so much for his mental state and gets to feel like he is supporting his family (me for the time being hehe) and that is SO important to a man ladies. He has to feel valued. I know, it sounds a little Dr. Laura, but it's true. #3, one of us has a job and I am going to be working double time to find my job :D God answers prayers everyone...you just gotta have Faith(can I get an amen!?! AMMMMEN!) Then I got to see my Bestie Bon Bon and meet her beautiful baby Aly and her husband Chris and we had a little BBQ with some delish drinks. Bon Bon and I had this margarita tasting things, but it had some malibu rum in it, so it wasn't quite a margarita. Either way it was awesome. Then we played Battle of the Sexes for a bit until we were all so tired from the beverages earlier in the afternoon to concentrate. AHhh, so good to see friends again. I seriously only had 2 friends in North Carolina and I only saw them on M-F since they were one's I worked with(nothing wrong with that though!).
Tomorrow is a total chillaxing day. Not gonna wake up to an alarm and then going to work out with Ms. Michaels and my Bunny Boo and sister. My sister has never had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Jill and it is bound to be a meeting she will never forget (insert evil laugh here, LOL!). Most def want to soak up the sun since it's going to be 100* tomorrow, and I am most def going to head to the grocery store to pick up a few things.
I will say that I am feeling a lot more hopeful now that N has a job. I'm sure all of you who have moved to a new place sans jobs know what I mean when I say that when you move to a new place, your sorta in limbo until that job grabs you or you get settled into your new life. Either way its very exciting!!
Well its 10:17pm here and I am sleepy and just wanna lounge on the couch with the ladies. I soaked up some California sun today and it seemed to zap my energy. Plus those delish drinks at Bon Bons are making me sleepy :D

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