Things have been going pretty good. I have already laid out by the pool with the fam with a cocktail in hand and soaked up the California sun. There is nothing like it. If you haven't experienced it, I highly recommend it. Another thing I recommend is going to Lake Tahoe at least one time in your life! It is such an amazing thing to see coming out of Nevada. I have gone there plenty of times and it never gets old to me. So I went on my first job interview and hopefully it pans out. The lady who interviewed me seemed to like me so keep your fingers crossed! Todays market EVERYWHERE is a tough one! Then on Monday I have my first ever personal training interview at a super nice gym next to my house. I am going today on the way back from N's interviews, to pick up an application and to just introduce myself to who I will be interviewing with. Thought it would be a nice touch :) I have many more updates, but its already 9:30 and I gotta get on that treadmill and work it before I start my day. I PROMISE to blog later today. O and another thing I'm doing today......SEEING MY BESTIE SINCE I WE WERE 4 YEARS OLD!!! I cannot wait! I love her and haven't seen her in a year and she is pregnant and I can't wait to see her and that beautiful belly!!!
Its good to be home :)

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