I love La Bou. I feel for any of you who don't have a La Bou, as I was once one of those people. NOT ANYMORE THOUGH!!! I met my Bestie Bon Bon for lunch today and had a delicious turkey on wheat w/avacado, lettuce, tomato and onion. SOOO delicious!! Then I got a half garden salad that had tomato, avocado and the usual lettuce and such. In the words of Rachel Ray, "Yum-O"! Bon Bon and I pretty much closed the place down too!! We were there from 12 to 3:15 and the closed at 4:30! There is nothing like 2 girls when they get talking and laughing.
I had an interview call today!! Next Tuesday at 2:30!! Its for a CPA firm and its not too far from my house which is amazing!! That's what I've been looking for! Something not too far and pays great. I am trying not to get my hopes up, but I've never NOT gotten my hopes up. Just the ABC's of me baby!
Today N started his new job!! So exciting! He said it went great and next week will be is offical 1st whole week working. Today was more of orientation where he got his clearence badge and stuff. Totally off topic, but man I hope I get a job next week. I had a feeling something good was coming this week so I'm thinking that good feeling was connected to this interview I have on Tuesday. Also my hiring agency also submitted my resume to another place today, so hopefully I wil be getting an email with that company soon too! Things are really starting to look up! :)
I hope you all have a great weekend!! I will let you all know how the interview goes!

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