Its here again! MONDAY!!! N woke up and went to work!! Yay for N!! Even though the drive is a little bit of a commute, I know he enjoys working now. I on the other hand am continuing my job search as a I lay here in bed. I woke up when N did, and can't go back to sleep, which is odd since I had some wine last night and that usually always makes me pass out after 1 glass ( I know, I am a light weight).
So yesterday my boyfriend whom I keep in the back room, was calling my name so loud! "KARLI!! YOU BETTER GET IN HERE AND RUN!!" I kept that door shut. I tried to tell him, "Tred Mill, I have ran 3 miles from Tuesday to Saturday faithfully, but he wasn't satisfied. He wanted more than that and when I told him that Saturday I had actually ran outside, well then I could tell he was jealous. So today I HAVE to visit him, and I am sure he is going to take out all of his aggression on me every second of those 3 miles!
So how was your weekend beautifuls? Mine was pretty uneventful. We rented I love you, man and it had some funny parts, but I would rate it a 6 outta 10. It didn't have me rolling on the floor. On Saturday I went for a run in the country (much better than watching tv while your run)for about 35 minutes(it was SOOOO HOT!!), then I came back and washed my car since it was a mess, then layed out by the pool. It was most def a hot one and a made for working on your tan. Sunday was church and laying out again :) Man it's gonna be a harsh wake up call when I work (But the paycheck/security) will make up for it all :D
Have a GREAT Monday lovelies!

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