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Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Hey my lovely and gorgeous readers!! So my little T Pain is being entered to win the cutest kid contest in my area amongst other stay at home mom's like myself. So I'm reaching out to you girls (since erasing my cookies on the computer doesn't work!) to help vote for my little man.
Please click HERE to vote for my little "Pumpkin Prince" !!!
We'll be besties forever if you do :)
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011
I miss my longer hair, WAAAAH! I like having something different, but seriously, I miss the length. I was just browsing my current LEGAL addiction, Pinterest, and what do I come across? How to curl your hair with a sock! A SOCK! Sounds crazy, right? Check out the how to video
I have looked at a bunch of other videos and pictures, and this shizz is legit. I have envied women's hair who can have those beautiful curls, since I can't remember. I have never been a hair curler master. Ive maybe curled my hair successfully and had the curls stay all day maybe 4 times in my whole life! No joke. I said on one of my last posts, that I have figured out how to curl my hair with the straightener, so I plan on really perfecting that since I feel like I have some sort of grasp on it.
My hair needs to grow out ASAP, check out these curls from a sock! Anyone ever try this?
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Saturday, October 22, 2011
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Friday, October 21, 2011
and this is what it looks like...(BTW, totally figured out how to curl my hair with my flat iron, SCORE!)
My fellow readers, I am le' tired. Yesterday I got supa' crazy with the workouts - a 3.27 mile run on Tread, a 1.32 mile run/jog with Troy on crazy inclines, and then I did the level 2 shred after I put him to bed. Yeah I'm crazy...and tired. Since Nick is working overtime and doesn't get home until late, I figure why not just shred after T money goes to bed. Kills time, kills calories.
Well today I am planning on doing another walk/jog on hills with Troy & shredding when he goes to bed, BUT I just cannot get the energy. Ive done water, green tea and a coke zero & nothing is working. So Im going to have to pull out all the magic to get myself to accomplish these goals.
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Labels: running
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Saturday, October 15, 2011
Labels: Christmas
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Friday, October 14, 2011
So got back from the doc ma' lova's ......
I have gangrene..... kidding! Wouldn't that be the pits? But I do have a pretty messed up poison oak rash that needed steroids and a special steroid cream. The steroid of choice was Prednisone. Before going to pickup the said Prednisone, I dropped by my moms and raided their gauze, vet tape (works like a charm with sticking good!), and medical tape. I am so over oozing through my shirts (sexy, no?), so I'm wrapping my stomach and arm up so I can't get little T stuck with this crazy ass rash.
Once I got home, I googled Prednisone side effects. These were some of my favorites
inappropriate happiness ----- so will this be a bad time to attend any funerals?
changes in personality ------ Ummmm, this already happens. My personality changes day to day. Depends on how much sleep I get of course.
bulging eyes------ Just FYI Nick, that isn't a giant toad in your bed, it's your wife! MUA HAHA HA
changes in the way fat is spread around the body--- SWEEET!! Finally something that will make sure all the calories go straight to my boobs!
Another side effect? Insomnia!
Posted by
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
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Sunday, October 09, 2011
Labels: random, weekend recap, working out
I have poison oak....joys of living in the country. Oh, but I don't just have a smidge. I have a whole crap load of the devil on my stomach, on my wrist and it climbs up my inner arm, oh and on the corners of my arm pits. I'll spare you pictures, its pretty nast. I swear, I have no idea how this happened. I wore TWO shirts, and the top one was a long one. Nick trimmed back a ton of it, and I hauled it up in a pile. We may or may not have thrown it over on our neighbors side of the fence? No one lives there anyways, pfft....
So due to this fabulous shade of red (and nasty scratches), I am taking a pause in running/working out/bow chicka bow wow, since I read sweating can cause it to spread. And mama don't need that. I am already paranoid enough as it is that when I wipe my arse, my wrist will touch my butt cheek, then it's all over! ....You still with me?
Im sure Im gonna get a lot of "Your a nasty bish" comments about this, but we are letting Troy cry it out at night. Or as I like to think of it "sing himself a 20 minute song in the middle of the night". Yup. He's 8 months old, he has shown me plenty of times he is capable of sleeping through the night, no. more. Miss. Nice. Mom. So tonight will be night 3. Last night was better than the first, so I hope that is the pattern that keeps. Its tough to listen to him, I sure as heck don't want to have to deal with abandonment issues when he's 15 due to the fact, I let him cry for 20 minutes when he was 8 months old. I've talked to a TON of moms who have done this. You seriously wouldn't believe the number of moms who have come out of the woods who've done the same thing and were so encouraging. It's kinda crazy too, cause I have been beat ever since I've started this "cry it out" deal. You'd think I'd get more sleep...FALSE. I have not gotten more sleep, I lay there listening to him, telling myself over and over "this is for the best, this is for the best, I wonder if I have another bottle of wine in the cupboard?, this is for the best, this is for the best"
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Friday, October 07, 2011