So I just can't hold it in any longer. You being my loyal followers, I have wanted to tell you all the truth for about 2 weeks now.......................
I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am over the moon ecstatic!! It's why my workouts have been so off lately - morning sickness has taken over me. As of today, I am 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant! I am so excited and over the moon as you all can understand. I have talked about wanting to start a family on here forever! God has blessed me with a gift and has trusted ME with looking after a little person and I'm going to be doing everything I can to make sure I continue to have a healthy pregnancy.
To back up, a few weeks ago (say, 3 or so), I was starting to feel sick throughout the day, and I was EXHAUSTED! I think exhaustion was definitely the #1 thing I noticed right away. All I wanted to do was sleep, and I could sleep for hours if you let me. So that was a little giveaway to me. Also, for those of you who are trying or who will ever be trying to start a family, I suggest taking a swing at the Ovulation kits out there. I used the 1st Response brand and it was super easy for me to understand and it worked after the 1st try. Nick and I were lucky with trying to start a family, since I'd only been off my pill for about 6 months after being on it for 6 years!
I hope all my followers stick around :)As how my pregnancy is going to effect my blog, you can expect lots of baby stuff :) I am now going to focus my blog on working out while pregnant, the challenges of working out when all you wanna do is either A) sleep or B) throw up, eating as healthy as possible to give my baby the nutrients it needs, and of course all the other fun life stuff that happens.
I am SO glad I have it out in the open now. We told my family (my parents and sister already knew of course) this weekend at my cousins graduation party, so it's only fair that you all now get to know since I share every other part of my life with you guys. My work still doesn't know and to be honest, I am not really sure when I should tell them. Any suggestions from the other mama's out there? I am thinking about the end of July time frame since I'll be showing by then I'm sure. Even though my belly will most likely look like a beer gut :)

That's fantastic news, I bet you're soo excited! I look forward to new posts about it :)
Oh Karli!!! (and Nick)!
I am so happy for you!! I know you will be a great mommy and you can finally put to use what Miss Stelter taught us in Child development! Now if thats not a blast from the past I don't know what is....
Oh and I heard on the great vine... Alicia is a good name! JK!
I am ecstatic for you both! Love ya
LOL thanks Alicia ;) Love you too
Congrats!!! Can't wait to be a part of it via your blog posts! :)
Congrats! Makes sense about the exercising now.
Oh yeah Jenn - I feel way to nauseas to work out like I did. At least for right now till Im outta my 1st trimester, and then I can start feeling better in the 2nd hopefully :)
So exciting! Congratulations!!!!!!!
Congrats!!!!!! I can't wait to read more about your baby journey best of luck to you :)
Congrats to you!! That is awesome news :-)
Congratulations!! How exciting! I am totally looking forward to lots of baby posts. Good luck in figuring out how to tell your employer!
Congrats!! Pregnancy is such a blessing!!
Awww congrats, what great news!!!
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