I am totally aware that my blog has turned into nothing but baby, but guess what my friends? This is MY blog and I really hope all my gorgeous and gracious followers don't mind :)
So it's Monday and normally I despise Monday's. Not this one though. Let's get this week going cause on Wednesday is my first OB appointment!!! Complete with a ultrasound and I get to hear my little beans heartbeat. I couldn't be more thrilled and a total side bonus? I get to leave work at 1:15 and I ain't comin back till Thursday morning. Not only that, but from what I've been reading, I'm pretty sure my OB is gonna tell me it's totally okay to eat crab, so Baby daddy Nick is taking me to Red Lobster! I know it's the classiest joint, so try not to be jealous -- we had to call a few people to get a table. *insert heavy sarcasm here*
This weekend was a hot one here in the Sacramento area. It hit triple digits! I played a hippo and sat by my parents pool all day yesterday. Got a little sun that's for sure (and hoping it darkens a bit and the non flattering red color fades). So my baby doesn't have a mama who is pale as Casper.

Wednesday is going to be SUPER exciting for you. I was holding back tears at my first sono and heartbeat appt. It's truly so amazing. We have our twenty week sono on Wednesday to confirm the sex..we already found out we're having a boy.
Have fun!!!
Have fun at your appointment! :) Can't wait to hear about it!
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