So in true Karli fasion, I'm gonna be random with this post with a few things that I have been following. Current events if you will -
What do we think of this Mo fo? In my opinion - he DID kill Natalie Holloway and I hope her mother feels that justice has been served to him. We now know he killed that poor young Peruvian woman too and what was his reason? She barged into his personal life by going on his laptop while he made a run to the 7/11, and she found articles online about him regarding the Natalie Holloway murder and how he had been arrested twice. The young girl wanted to leave and slapped him, which he didn't like, so he killed her. And I'm sorry, but it's been 5 years and this guy has been accused (1 he admitted to killing) of killing 2 young girls with the same scenario - beautiful, out of town college age girls. He is just sick and where the heck is this kids parents? It makes total sense to me as to why they are having him wear a bullet proof vest - this kid has a lot of people upset.
And these two - yeah I know it's not evening news worthy, but I'm a celebrity gossip addict, so I can't help myself. Do you guys think they are really separating? To me, I think its all a publicity stunt. The fact that she went and filed legal separation papers tells me they know people weren't buying their "breaking up" story, so they had to take the next step. I think they will push things pretty far just to stay in the lime light. AND she's due to release a new TV show about how she's "single". Sounds like a separation/possible divorce is pretty good publicity to me.
Now onto the meat and potato's of this blog - ME :) Yesterday I was exhausted. I came home with the full intent of going to the gym with Nick. That.did.not.happen! We were both so tired, and this pregnancy thing really wears you out. We had been going to bed pretty late the past couple of nights, so I listened to my body and just lounged and got into bed at an early time. Oh so remember how yesterdays blog I was tell you all how I sleep so soundly? Well Nick told me this morning he notices I snore way more than I used to. Which makes sense, cause I think I've started sleeping with my mouth open. Funny all the little things pregnancy changes about your normal day and night routines. I'm gonna post some pics tomorrow or tonight to show you all my progress so far on the belly :) It's not much, just looks like I could use a few ab workouts and could lay off the Budweiser :)
Happy Wednesday all my lovely followers! Be sure to head over to Undomestic Momma's blog. She is having a great giveaway and even if you don't have a baby, I'm sure you know someone who would love these things!

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