I know, I have been gone for a few days, but a girl needs a break from time to time :) Since it's a little something different I have decided to update you all on my life via bullet points -
1. Nick and I have decided to skip our trip to Mexico with my parents. As much as we'd LOVE to go, we just decided to change our warm destination to a cold one. So we are headed to Denver, Colorado October 22-25th! Nick is from Colorado and I really like Denver the times I've been, so it was a good choice :) We are gonna go to a Denver Broncos game on the 24th, and stay in a nice hotel downtown and he can wine and dine me :)
2. We are going to be upgrading to our 2 bedroom apartment sooner than we thought! Nick and I love the 2 bedrooms and the spaciousness of it, and since we will be starting a family hopefully soon, we want to be prepared, so we will be moving into our new apartment sometime early September.
3. My workouts have been put on hold, at least super intense ones. For the past month of so I haven't really been feeling good. Almost like a permanent flu, blah! So I'm doing about 30 minutes of low impact cardio with weights 3-4 times a week and taking walks on my lunch. I'll update you all on the status of my health soon enough - I have a doctor appointment scheduled for the end of this month to see what the heck is up :) Eating wise I've been doing pretty good, and not much has changed :)
So there you have it - the whole truth and nothing but the truth hehe

Congrats on the apartment upgrade...right now we have a 2 bedroom, 2 bath for just the 2 of us and it is wonderful. Enjoy Colorado, I have never been...and feel better! Happy Weekend :)
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