I am still detoxing from the "go go go" this weekend. I feel like such an old lady with how tired I am these days. I am only 23 people, what the heck?! Omgsh, so so so excited that Halloween is coming up!! My Bestie bon bon and I went and got our costumes this weekend! We are gonna be sexy cops and N and Bon Bon's hubby are gonna be cops too. We are pretty stoaked! I haven't dressed up for Halloween and actually gone and done things (Except trick or treating with my niece) ever since leaving CA. But now that we're back, its time to parrrtay!! What are you guys doing for Halloween? I cannot wait, Halloween is seriously my 2nd favorite holiday!!
Oh and I have a killer workout plan for the month of October, and to be honest I cannot wait! I am waiting to start till Wednesday because bunny boo's bday is tomorrow night and I gotta be here for that of course! Plus my no carbs after I get home from work is in full effect. Today was day 1 and it was okay. My mom made this awesome spinach pasta dish though and I wanted some sooo bad. I just had a chicken breast, cottage cheese and broccoli. I was so hungry too. With my new job, I really can't have a snack in the afternoon. So I have to eat all my food at lunch and only then. When I start my gym routine after work I plan on snacking on a luna bar on the way there.
So what do you think of my costume? I am sure my g-ma who is an avid reader does not approve, but for Halloween, I am not going for tasteful hehe