Holy molly am I sore today! Yesterday I did 3 sets of 10 on each leg of split squats and all my other leg exercises followed by a 3 mile run. Today, I am DYING!!!! I went to the gym solo this morning since my beloved has the black lung, and I could barely walk on Tread, let alone jog/run! I did it though - 2 miles and some ab workouts later, I headed home feeling a sense of victory! I worked thru the pain, mua haha!
This morning, yours truly, had a 2nd interview with the people I interviewed with on Wednesday. It went really well, because today....THEY OFFERED ME THE JOB!! WOO HOO!! I will no be a Receptionist at a different company (3rd time's a charm). They offer great benefits (who can complain about 2 weeks vacation and 1 week of sick all paid?), and I couldn't be happier with it. The only kicker? The hours are 7AM-4PM. Now, ideally, I'd be working 8-4, BUT what can you do? What hangs me up, is my workouts. In my opinion, waking up at 4:30 like I do now, is PLENTY early enough, but if I'm gonna have to be at work by 7:00, that means, I gotta wake up at 3:30 to be awake and at the gym by 4(when they open).....I'm not really liking that plan to be honest, so Nick and I talked and I'm switching to after work workouts. Nick said he will go with me, so we don't lose any time together (which was my hangup). So there you have it kids - the job offer we've allll been waiting for :) However, I am still waiting to hear back from another position at the doctors office I interviewed with last Friday, before I make my final decision. I would much rather have the doctors office, but we shall see what's it the cards.

CONGRATULATIONS on the job offer!! Things seem to be falling into place quickly!
I know, right? :)
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