So the sun has decided to come out this afternoon. The sun coming out is almost a bigger surprise then Johnny Weir coming out
Look at what my weekend is looking like so far? On Sunday we are having a chance of rain, but the chance is only 30%, so I'm thinking that it is VERY likely (happening), that N and I do our ride/run then.
Also, after watching Miss Ashley this morning on BL, I have decided to step up my workouts. I haven't been going to X Bike during the week because I am so tired after work, but I think I can at least go on Monday nights. Lets face it, it's a killer workout, and I never leave there regretting I went. Then I think I'm only going to run after work with the girls (see my blog about 2-3 posts ago), on Thursdays after work and maybe the occasional Friday. That way I still get after work time with N (insert the "awwwwww's" here). So my workouts will look like this:
Sundays: Run/Ride with N (the forecasts are looking really good these upcoming Sunday's) equals about 5 miles or REST day
Mondays: Workout in the AM (2.5 mile run & legs) and X Bike (30 minutes) in evening
Tuesdays: Workout in the AM (3 mile run & triceps & back strength training)
Wednesdays: Workout in the AM (3.5 mile run & abs)
Thursdays: Workout in the AM (3 mile run & biceps & shoulders strength training) after work run with girls (about 3 miles)
Fridays: Workout in the AM (2 mile run & legs & abs strength training) maybe after work run with girls (about 3 miles)
Saturdays: At LEAST a 4.5 mile run on tread- I can't forget I have a 10K in April and I need to up my mileage and quit being sucha whimp about it! Isn't the saying "Just shut up and do it?" From here on out I need to run 5 miles or more every Saturday. My 10K is only a month and some change away! EEEEEK!!! Where did the time go?!
There you have it folks. Of COURSE as always, if my body is ever feeling run down with my workouts, I will throw in a rest day. This schedule is something that I know my body can handle and is in no way the "right" routine for everyone. With that said, I am sticking to this for 1 month and then I'll switch up my routine probably after my 10K.

You are one dedicated girl! I need you to share some of you workout dedication over here with me! Hope your have a great weekend!
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