'Ello lovelies! Today I woke up and immediately wished I was British. For those of you who don't know me personally, let me fill you in: Ever since I was little, I have wanted to be British. I am absolutely madly in love with England. London in particular
It wasn't until I was about 8 that I learned that there is reason for the madness of England...IT'S IN MY BLOOD!! My dad's mum, my Gma Irene, was born in Blackburn, England and I actually have a lot of extended family there. True, I've never met them, but I'm still claiming my roots!
I have perfected my British accent and love everything and anything England related...some say, I'm obsessed, I say I am obsessed :) The reason for my England ramblings/family history on myself? Today I really don't have much to do. I've gone to the gym, cleaned the place yesterday, sooooooooo I've decided to watch my 2 (MAYBE 3 if I have time) favorite movies that take place in England.
Bridget Jones Diary

Love Actually

and if I have time, Run Fat boy Run

Oh today is going to be a great one and when poor Nick gets home, I may or may not attack his ears with how much I want to go back to England and stay for like 3 weeks so I have time to explore more than just London. Le Sigh...... Have a wonderful day beautiful lovely readers
I am leaving you with what I dream about CONSTANTLY

One of my brothers has lived in London for the last almost 10 yrs. Who knew growing up in the Midwest he would wind up there. He has a wife who is from Greece so it is sort of a compromise. they have to young sons one who will be 11 in a month and another who is to be 9 in a month as well. The almost 11 yr old was born in the US the almost 9 yr old was born in London. It is funny to hear them (these two little American boys) speak with such a British accent.
My husband and I went over to London to visit a few yrs ago (my husband's first visit out of the US).
My husband would love to go back to visit again. This time he wants to go to the country outside of London proper.
It is just me that causes the hardship of travel (due to a health issue I can not fly and I went last time via boat--not cheap). I am trying to save up money to be able to pay for a trip over the pond again.
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