Hey there cupcakes! How's your week going? Can you believe that we're already to Wednesday. Mua ha ha! Friday just keeps getting closer and closer- LOVE IT! I don't have plans for this weekend except cleaning, putting more blonde in my hair (it's driving me nuts!), and watching my bunny boo (niecey to those who are new readers) play her basketball game at my old Junior High. It's nuts to go back to the old stomping grounds where to be honest, I loved. It wasn't until HS, that I found out that "the mean girls" in school, talked behind my back and called me mean names. Hello Debbie Downer. You know what's funny though? Most of those girls wanted to be my friend on Facebook- their so nosey, and fake, so no thank you- friend request DENIED!
so yeah, I am aware that it is only 7:25AM, BUUUUUT, I am proud of my 3.23 mile run this morning! Yup-today was all cardio because I felt like I hadn't done much of it since the Sunday run. What have you done (so far), to make you feel proud?
I am seriously in sort of a workout rut with weight training, which usually means I need to flip thru my old Oxygen magazines, and finding something. I am also considering throwing in 30 day shred back into my routine. I miss Jill, and she got me so far once before, and I feel like I just need some new stuff in my routine.
What do you do to freshen things up?
Have an AMAZING hump day lovelies! 2 more days and it's Friday, HA!

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