O-em-gee ladies! Tell me you are watching The Bachelor? I'm sorry but Michelle HAS to go. She is freaking looney. She is so crazy and possessive over Brad and mind screwing him left and right. Last years Bachelorette said she thinks this Michelle chick is an actress and I would NOT be surprised. Are there really girls that crazy?! Who does she think she is telling Brad what HE wants and what mistakes he's making? She gets that crazy look in her eye and I'm so glad Brad see's her freak flag. Rant done :)

I totally agree - she is CRAZY!! She HAS to go!
Total crazed looney!
Did you ever watch "For the love of Ray J" and the chick with the tattoo on her face? Total psycho!
She's nuts... and yes she really needs to go, but she's the entertainment of the show.. so she won't for awhile! My vote is for Emily and then Shontelle O or w/e her last name is : )
Glad I am not the only one watching this! She is definitely insane! I am assuming that the producers are telling him to keep her to help ratings...but my goodness...basket.case.
I am so happy everyone agrees about this. I can't stand her. I close my eyes everytime she comes on my tv! GRR she makes me mad talking about her!
I hope she is gone next week!
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