Here are a handful of things I've learned since becoming a mommy:
* Breast milk is like liquid gold. I make sure Troy drinks every sip of his bottle. It took me forever to pump that baby!
* Sleep is more valuable than diamonds. Troy slept for 6 hours straight on Friday night - twas amazing!
* I can do anything with 1 hand - this includes tying my shoes, pumping a bottle and feeding at the same time, and cutting up strawberries (no fingers lost, YET!)
* If I change the diaper and then feed Troy, he'll let me put him in his car seat, carrier or the bath without a fuss. If I do otherwise, it's a screaming battle
* I am no longer human - I am either a kangaroo, carrying around my little Troy in his carrier on my front, or I'm a cow - pumping bottles every 2 hours
* At night, I don't sleep with a shirt on to give my ladies a break. So much as brushing against my chest will cause a let down. Milk comes out quicker than a bullet in a gun - I grab whatever cup like thing that's nearby to catch any milk coming out. Read #1 to understand
* Binki's are awesome. If your baby doesn't take one at first, keep trying, then can be a lifesaver
* This is the most amazing job I've ever had, and my boss is quite the looker

aw such a cute post! I already feel like a cow so I guess I should get used to it!
Troy is adorable Karli!! I hope your having fun experiencing all your "first times". I'm glad hes getting some sleep in to give you a break too!
Stay well mamma!
I've been pumping for a month too so I totally understand how you're feeling! I know we want to sleep without a bra at night (and it's actually recommended that you not sleep with a bra or at least an underwire one) but if you want to stop the leaks they make a petal type thing (I used it last time and can't remember the stupid name now!) that you can wear like under a camisole or something that actually catches the milk so you can save it. Dont' want to waste a drop! Good luck and he's FREAKING adorable!
I love the hat he is wearing... I agree about the liquid gold... wait till my post comes out later today about breastmilk ... you will die
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