So Troy and I had a nice full and relaxing day with grandma. We went for a nice and bumpy walk on the country roads and had some delicious grilled tuna.*side note, my mamacita makes the best grilled tuna. Num Num* My parents have 3 dogs that were going nuts with curiosity when Troy started crying and fussing. I only had 1.5 bottles for my little man, so I braved it, thanks to the handy dandy nipple shield, and breastfed. Wasn't an issue at all, so now I know if desperate times call for desperate measures, I can use that and not get used as a human pacifier.
Tonight its pizza and quality couch time with the hubbinator :)!
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Im so happy to hear the breastfeeding went so well fo ryou!!!!!!!!!! I totally did the same thing.. we got stuck at the doctors one time I had no sheild so I just did .. it hurt like hell but then the pain eased up as she got to sucking... so a couple days later I tried again, and it was even easier then the first, and then I was able to do it everytime.. Keep it up momma you rock
I had the best and most relaxing day with my youngest daughter and my best and only grandson! To top it off, Mack came home and I was a happy gramma surrounded by my grandkids! And the sun was shining to boot!!!
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